Sunday, June 5, 2011

harmony among the elements

Recently,beijing escort,and basic computer students apt transmit after, the CPC Central Committee on building a harmonious socialist society proposed a number of determinations on important issues. ; the Chinese culture and lofty realm of the aesthetic ideal. distinctions,beijing escort, good by dealing with intricate contradictions, asset reach a higher level of integration and coordination.
truth, behind in the archaic wise Lao Tzu advocated a balance between man and ecology and coordination of the state of harmony between man and nature . that harmonious action of nature in consensus with the statute, not the phase muddle. people from nature, and natural biological need to survive under the given conditions. loss can not be replenished, normal, social, economic sustainable development.
I advocate retaining interpersonal harmony. that The sharp, their divergent solutions; and its light, with its dust, harmony between the factors, the premier is to improve self-cultivation and cultivation,shanghai escort, so that their minds to be calm, kind, remedy people with honesty, and without stream, agreeable and not malign, aboveboard and not false, round and not partly, rite and not eloquent. defect to passive inaction, lull water, contentment.
I support the establishment of a harmonious political narratives is important to the upkeep rule. not the ghost is not God, the God, not to hurt people. , under the wisdom with them. Second, the pro and goodwill. Second, the panic of it. Second, the insult it. unbelief For what do not deem. still its your word Come, then entities off the ground, the people are that I am surely. The Government is rarely give mandates, to macro-control of the government, yet also Marxist society people-oriented, people oriented. It is to construct a socialist agreeable society,shanghai escort, the important requirements and the starting point. and promote the comprehensive development of liberty.
What namely a person concern reflects the same cultural heritage and opinions, in theory, with the times. Once applied apt someone practical, they often opaque, complicated apt operate. ignores the human abstract the comprehension of the interests of the masses. human subsistence ought not be ignored, the legitimate rights of every individual are not allowed to be trampled. Subject to social virtue and public decency below the premise of full esteem for the individuality and basic rights for everybody in the development of the required context and conditions for entire human to the citizen construction and social life of the development of its can be properly invested for.
building a socialist harmonious society, the CPC Central Committee put forward the concept can be said that our party at a fashionable historical height of the inheritance and development of Lao Zi. also reflect the party's governing capability. In fact, Harmony Society and is closely related to each of us, merely the harmony within people, harmony between man and nature, man and society, we can live a elated peaceful life, people can live in truce and to the development of economic and social progress can be .
the CPC Central Committee to a harmonious socialist society is defined for the maximum direct and practical interests focus above issues, focus on the development of social undertakings, and promoting social fairness and righteousness, a culture of harmony, improve social management, and promote social creativity, and take the path of prosperity, and promoting social and economy construction, political construction, cultural, coordinated development.

primarily relations among men and men

2005-11-29 17:32:55
medium and small
three causes of the same sex
(a) early on the causes of the same sex in archaic Egyptian archaeological objects found in, there is homosexual behavior patterns, but logical thinking homosexual relationships, opening in antique Greece. the history of human thought in ancient Greece made famous contributions to the development of the thinkers, the great philosopher Plato (BC 437 - before 347) of the same sex conducted in-depth explanation of the relationship that the homosexual relationship is a moral phenomenon. In his early assumption, the same-sex sexual narratives are entirely sure (in ancient Greek aristocrats and commoners,beijing escort, men and male relationships is an important complement to sexual relations between men and women , the significance of not less than the relationship between men and women combined); but in his later thought, the status of relations between men and men are Bianchu. At the time, it is generally thought same-sex sexual relations is a freely chosen by the haphazard ecology of private relationships. homosexual relations, especially relations between men and men, were demonized in the Middle Ages (ie, as a result of demon possession) .15 century Renaissance led theocracy theocratic type emblem. With the fashion the emergence of homosexual activity and the gradual moral rather than demonized.
19 century, leaves late start, based on 10 centuries of savage battle (including the flaming death discipline) does not make homosexuals the fancy of psychological change, the morale of the medical profession and the European Judicial some of the early sexologists who first of all to the same sex as a special population, and given, accepted and commonly accustomed appoint the same sex that would be the ailment of (pathology of the) , finds that it is a psychological disorder (sexual deviancy, sexual abnormality, mental disorder, psychosis). Meanwhile, early sexuality, founder of the European morale of the famous physician of Justice Kraft - Ai Bin (RichardVonKrafft-Ebing, 1840 -1902) in the late 19th century that the same sex and genetic factors, this Bloch (IwanBloch ,1872-1922), psychoanalysis (psychodynamic), founder of Freud (SigmundFreud ,1856-1939) and so on to the same sex and most influential paperback of the disease. which Freud stressed, is an acquired psychological upbringing and development of environment, so that the individual to become homosexuals. them about the causes of the same sex in the 20th century learned thought prevail most of the time, and by far our nation has a significant impact on the medical profession. But In the early 20th century, founder of psychology Ellis (HenryHavelockEllis ,1858-1939) under a variety of animals, higher animals scholars, including primates observations, some anthropologists and many of the same sex that were the actual survey, made the same sex is not a ailment but a normal variation of the point of view, and indicate the phenomenon of the same sex occur in humans and higher animals there is the interlock between. known as the magnificent pioneer of science Dermatology Home Hirschfeld (MagnusHirschfeld ,1868-1935) was the first to point out that homosexuals are normal people with one of the scientists, and he made it remove that the causes of the same sex and individual brain building and a genetic factor related.
20 Century the early stage of the research aboard the causes of the same sex is acquiring more consideration. Some medical experts as the purpose of changing the sexual orientation with sex, begin by tentative handling and general survey to explore the causes of the same sex .20 mid-century, especially in the 1970s industrialized countries starting with the sexual activities of the open society and the 1980s found that gay men in the AIDS pestilence seriously, after the discussion above the causes of the same sex in the international chance a commonplace. Currently, the research focused on 2 major conclusions. One of the biological factors determine the sexual orientation by holding this knowledge is mainly biologists, in particular the medical career; secondly early first individual, principally the living conditions of early infancy experiences molded alternatively sexual orientation, Second, the early accent on the individual has a major affect sexual experience. As these outlooks have a lot of evidence exists,beijing escort, many scholars have identified the formation of sexual orientation is chiefly based on the establishment in biology, while the individual experiences of early infancy have a major role in . In adding, some social scientists punctuate the power of shaping the social and cultural functions determine the sexual orientation. In this regard, Seaberg et al (1984) pointed out that gay sexual orientation is not a easy genetic-related special, gradual, can be characteristic functions, it is the mutual train of people and feelingful rendition of 1 of the driving forces. sexual orientation development has variability, accordingly making the human presumable to be the same sex. This variability may be the complexity of the chief nervous system, studying ability and the flexibility of the general behavior of the results of the 3 co-evolution.
should be noted that the early 20th century began to scatter, the mid 20th century and in the international academic community is still dominant in China extensive spread of the classic Freudian point of view, such as the mid-20th century, the growth was generally preferred in the their own interpretation put forward in terms of some of the same sex who is the
(b) of the same sex to annotate the causes of biological sex on the causes of a biological root with the discovery can be roughly classified as biological instinct, genetic factors, differences in factors such as sex hormones and brain types.
from 19 century to the present, scholars scrutinized that a kind of animals, animal, including the existence of some single-sex partners have sex with animals. which in some animals, the proportion of same-sex sexual behavior and the human condition have some analogy. For sample, females in the United States, California Gull, 5% only with the same sex together. They work out single during the breeding season, after mating with male gulls that females paired homing gulls and common life and common gull hatching brood. During this period, ordinarily a female as a male gull gull foraging tasks undertaken, the two maintained a quite strong female gulls same-sex partnerships. estrus in sheep, and 6% in the number of estrous ewes rams living environment, but only as a mate choice rams.
some scholars hereby affirm the phenomenon of human sex with animals, but a reflection of the subsistence of same-sex sexual instinct, and that this is a common human and other animals. Wilson, founder of sociobiology in the 1970s in this regard that: All animals are often outside the emergence of heterosexual and homosexual sex coexistence. which animals have sex with the opposite sex can be discerned in the presence of animals, and animals exist in the deficiency of the inverse sex, same-sex sexual behavior occurred more frequently . this animal sex with youth males in the most common. Generally speaking the more advanced on the evolutionary sequence of animals, their patterns of sexual self-stimulation and the more extensive the more.
narrated to genetic factors The research focuses on homosexuals in the same environment on the growth of twins (twin) of research. Back in the mid 20th century had discovered the twins, if one person is the same sex who sex with another person who is the probability is many higher than the general population. test Germain (1952) on 85, one of the twins as gay men and their twin brother in-depth inspection. the 85 twins, 40 pairs are monozygotic twins,apt be silence in the field, 45 pairs are dizygotic twins. test Mann found that monozygotic twins are the same sex if one person, variant person must also be,shanghai massage, and they have exactly the same degree of sexual orientation. dizygotic twins in one case the same sex, its only 40% of twins. His research leads to an important conclusion: the same sex sexual orientation and sexual behavior is not related to genetic factors.
test Mann's research was supported by Hess Dayton et al (1968) to validation. They further noted that the event of monozygotic twins with sex, that they not only have the same tendency with the sex, and they partner with their same-sex sexual movement and sexual behavior are prodigious to very similar. even if homosexuals did not understand the twins of the same sex acts, and even in them there is no accident of understanding each other.
sexual orientation for the same genetic sex may be, Wilson 1970 pointed out that the presence of the same sex who makes their next of family may rebuild more offspring, because their next of kin with homosexuals can invest particularly valuable assistance, so that the family be superior likened to the general living conditions and higher fertility. This leads to the family of the relative increase in gene allocation, part of which is the gay gene. Results The aggregate number of people potentially gay tendencies. This is antagonism the quality of the same sex are even no offsprings, and their genes may be passed down through the parallel offshoot of the cause. Wilson further speculated that the same sex as the genetic tendency to be discerned as more genetic predisposition in many human characteristics, these may not be completely genetic predisposition to show it. the same level of sexual performance of a genetic predisposition, depends on the family and the environment, and early sexual experience, sexual experience. In other words, the major genes identified with the sex of a possibility that individuals carrying the gene under appropriate conditions into the same cozy sex.
Eckert et al (1986) 55 Jibei of ego detach from the custody of the baby's adult monozygotic twins conducted a survey on sexual orientation in array to determine the occurrence of the same sex and genetic factors, environmental factors ( monozygotic twins are genetically the same, but separate from the living environment is different when raising) of the relationship. this group of twins in which one or both are the same / dual sex were a total of 6 pairs. which if a man is in male homosexuals the other must also be, suggesting the occurrence of male homosexuals may affect genes; women is not, a person who is gay, another person may not, suggesting that women may be the same sex is an acquired feature.
Barui Qi et al (1991) 95-on-one adult twins and 63 couples of egg dizygotic twins causes of sexual orientation and in-depth study found that in monozygotic twins were significantly the same sex more than twice egg twins. to genetic factors and environmental factors on the formation of their sexual orientation, further relative analysis shows that the role of sexual orientation to a greater amplitude determined by genetic factors, there are international scholars In 1991 found the same incidence of sex and important evidence of genetic factors, they three gay men and their dual brothers or unrelated to the study. The first group of 56 people, is one of monozygotic twins, 52% of its dual brothers folk are homosexuals; the second group of 54 human, all belonging to one of dizygotic twins,shanghai massage, the twin sibling who is 22% of homosexuals; third group of 57 people, and their sibling was accepted, only 11% people are homosexuals. The researchers noted that, while not excluding family environment, teaching and social impact suffered by obtained factors such as the formation of the role of sexual orientation with sex, but those three brothers with sex sex with a meaningful incidence of differences, recommending that sex happened in the same genes melodrama an important role. It is considered that the emergence of the same sex sexual orientation is about 70% of the outcome of genes, future research converge is to ascertain and nail which one or a set of genes exists.
sex with some scholars who also behaved a survey of family members. Pila De et al (1982) investigated the 50 25-35 year-old unmarried gay men and 50 heterosexual men, the survey questionnaire , testing and interviews behaved to understand their family situation. It was found that male sex group and offshoot of the same male relatives of the same sex were significantly higher than that of male heterosexual group. brother of gay men, about 25% people are also homosexuals, but their sisters and female relatives in the offshoot of the incidence of the same sex is not high.
Blanchard et al (1992) for men and women suffering from Gender Dysphoria homosexuals, and men The 585 heterosexual brothers and sisters (bring an end to ...25 years) history of matrimony and sexual condition were investigated. It was found that gay men brother group, created with the opposite sex, if valid or unlawful, who marital , were significantly smaller than the proportion of female homosexuals and male heterosexuals group. The findings suggest that gay men's sexual orientation is heterosexual brothers, there are a relating lack of amuse on the opposite tendency. cloth Lan Chad and investigated the risk of misgiving disorders sex siblings of the same sex are the number and sex ratio (male to female ratio), the brothers and sisters born in the ranks and age of the parents, both heterosexual message in this regard as a control. the survey, including 193 gay men, 204 women with 273 male homosexuals and heterosexuals. It was found that male sex group with the number of brothers and sisters were significantly more than female same sex group, which was significantly and more men and heterosexual groups. gay brothers and sisters in the group sex, male to female ratio was 130:100, significantly more than men and heterosexual groups and lesbian sex group (either 106:100); gay men in the brothers and sisters The ranking was also significantly fewer than heterosexual. women's ranking with sex between gay men and heterosexual sex group and between groups. The survey also found that sexual orientation and individual neutral of parental old just now.
have been many animal experiments proved that the pituitary and sex hormones on sex differences in differentiation of the hypothalamus plays an important role, this role may affect an individual's future behavior. Experiments show that injection of the uterus to productive rats can be curious to alteration the offspring sex hormones subsequent sexual behavior, including injecting male hormones make the future a high proportion of descendant emerged homosexual sex. Some modern research suggests that prenatal hypothalamic function (hypothalamus has control of many important functional role in the body and retain the endocrine and the equilibrium between emotion) on the individual's sexual future status in adulthood may have a significant role. in the critical period of fetal development, if the equilibrium of endocrine disorders, individuals will be severely affected in the future, even if the individual's reproductive apparatuses and the subsequent development of regular individuals normal endocrine.
the factors related with sex causes a certain point of view, in the 1980s was merely a small number of scholars prior to permission. a lusty supporter of this view to continuing research in this space almost 30 years of noted German Endocrinologists Road Nadu characterized. Road Nadu 1960's found in beast experiments, the critical stage of mouse embryonic development if there are masculine hormones, especially testosterone deficiency, can affect one individual's sexual behavior the daytime after tomorrow. He Animals Experimental results indicated that: the fetal brain is mainly affected by the impact of sex hormones which determine the individual's future sexual orientation. Road Nadu experiment has been repeated and confirmed by some scholars. Road Nadu that if the man (male) fetus than to get lofty the impact of testosterone levels, merely mainly by the motherly ovaries from the effects of estrogen in the fetal brain will be amenable, so that the fetal sex for the same type; contrast, high concentration of testosterone in the male under the influence of (male) fetus is developing into a heterosexual type. petticoat (female) fetus whether exposed to high concentrations of testosterone, the fetus will amplify into the type of the same sex. This hypothesis has been supported by some scholars since .1980, merely also Some scholars have expressed advocate for fetal exposure to sex hormones influence sexual orientation and future studies. If Monie et al (1984) of 30 underwent from congenital adrenal hyperplasia and the treatment of matrons carried out a study and found that this team women, the occurrence of the same sex (up to 37%) distant more than women in general. Sihamoni so that the results of this study strongly support the women in the prenatal time of brain sexual development of male sex and with the casualty of this hypothesis.
Monie et al (1987) Influence of sex hormones on the fetus and the future of the relationship between sexual orientation that the issue of sub-primate fetal injection of sex hormones in the experiment has been fully confirmed in the sexually adult males or females to mate , relying on the fetal brain by which animal hormones. in primates, especially humans, fetal sex hormones and the birth of the individual with the community to play a role.
Canterbury et al (1991) also studied the same / dual sex and heterosexual love in the fetus while the mother's mental state to determine pregnancy suffer from mental stress and pressure on the future sexual orientation of the fetus. The results show that during pregnancy the mother suffered greater stress , gave birth to babies with more apparent femininity; but the size and intensity of mental stress suffered child's future sexual orientation has no straight relationship. Canterbury and others also found that gay men are quite obvious familial tendency, suggesting that the same sex and genetic causes of genetic and family environment-related.
put ahead the same sex in the fetal endocrine causes of brain differences caused by the tenet of the Road, Bernard et al (1991) detected that in the experiment to the same sex and heterosexual adore and their mama ACTH injection (ACTH), the same sex who hydrocortisone (F) precursor 21 - DNA hydrocortisone (21-DOF) mushroom blood levels of magnitude another from the heterosexual . of nine gay men and their mothers experiments showed that 8 of the mom and son after the injection of ACTH, the serum 21-DOF and 21 - DOF / F levels were significantly higher than controls. Another no 21 -DOF of the same sex were additional, emerged differ androsterone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate were significantly higher. Road Nadu and so in this regard that their research showed that sex differentiation depends on the brain tissue of the critical period of fetal development, sex hormones and neurotransmitters in vivo factor concentration. in the female fetus, the brain tissue by genetic or environmental factors guide to higher levels of male hormones, the future as the same individual / twin sex, or even the greater the likelihood of transsexuals, male fetus was the opposite. adrenal glands androgen excess, can cause genetic female infant sexuality and sexual role of the future occurrence of changes in behavior, this location can be due to 21 - hydroxylase deficiency, especially in the fetal enzyme deficiency, were heterozygous or homozygous for the formation of 21 - hydroxylase deficiency, causing women to the same sex and transsexual pre-determined by genetic mechanisms of androgen-dependent development. in the male child is nativity ahead the mother and the fetus suffered stress, pressure, and some elicited genetic changes can lead to testosterone deficiency, and thus the occurrence of sexual orientation and sexual roles of individual behavioral abnormalities. In the 1990s, about the causes of the same sex influential in the study of biology, is a neurologist Levy (1991 ) issued in Male heterosexual Ⅲ of the scope of cytoplasmic anterior hypothalamus (INAH-3) volume than gay men in the INAH-3 size more than 2 times larger, the two are quite significant differences, and gay men of INAH- 3 sizes with no difference between heterosexual women. analysis indicates that, INAH-3 size of the volume of the cause of death has nobody to do with the subjects. Levy noted that this discovery supports previous scholars have put forward the INAH-3 and sex of the individual and the individual sexual orientation (by fewest in the male is the case) of the hypothesis; it suggests that biology has a role in human sexual orientation. INAH based on the research of other scholars, the volume of INAH Levy that human creatures yet determined early in life, it Later affect individual behavior (sexual orientation), its role than other factors, a greater impact on human sexual behavior.
a recent sex and innate factors with the authority of technological reports published in the scientific community in 1998 found that the length of the individual fingers come into adjoin with the fetal period the level of male hormone, androgen exposure the higher the level, concordance finger, ring finger shorter. University of California researchers on the basis of 720 in San Francisco avenue person's sexual orientation , finger width of the survey (2000) found that male and female homosexuals in the index finger and ring finger length was significantly shorter than heterosexuals, which concluded with prenatal exposure to sex in the relatively high level of male hormones.
the widespread certify that the occasions of the same sex and biological ingredients, therapeutic research and clinical go in more than 70 annuals of renowned endocrinologist Armstrong controversies clearly asserted: the decision, and is a production of head gender. reproduction is the most important of all category of life functions. Nature is no feasible apt make sure the aptitude to amplify at the environment. sexual orientation and sexual behavior are genetically resolute, in higher species, It is likewise a gender difference identified in the head. individual psychological differences among sex and gender behavior is determined at biological elements. homosexuals, the biological factors played a determined role.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Li Lu will

Folic acid (vitamin B9) and pregnant mothers need nutritional
extra than a folic acid folic acid
the normal development of the neural tube melodramas an important role, so you absence to pregnant women and the first three months of pregnancy pregnant women, add enough folic acid is quite important. expectant mothers need more than equitable folic acid.
① self-trimester of pregnancy among the first four months of everyday calories and to boost the intake of various nutrients to meet the needs of anabolic.
② ought be added to the diet of fish, pork, eggs and other animal-quality protein-rich edibles, calcium-rich dairy edibles, including minerals and vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.
③ productive women with customary pregnancy heaviness gain should be the decree of diet. malnutrition alternatively overnutrition of moms, fetuses were negate.
④ If the fetus during the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid afford, fetal brain cell department proliferative disorders tin happen, a solemn absence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, head cells will result in growth retardation and low comprehension.
⑤ DHA as infant and fetal brain and retina of the formation of essential nutrients is essential retina of the eye material.
dietary folate (vitamin B9) the important role of health in three areas: birth failings, sarcoma and heart disease.
folic acid is the body's synthesis of RNA and DNA, manufacture red blood cells can not be lacking important material, yet also protein metabolism have to be the substance, folic acid can enhance antibody making in vivo,shanghai massage, and enhance the play of antibodies, thereby reducing the body's susceptibility to infectious diseases.
folic sour with vitamin A, C, E and Other vitamin B team are major as antioxidants.
in the United States and many developed countries, entire of the B vitamin intricate arrangement containing 200-400 micrograms of folic acid.
but in clinical use in China Use of vitamin B kin, this narcotic does not contain this nutrient is very important nutrients.
the lack of folic acid can also cause such a big nutrient anemia.
green leafy vegetables are nice food folate source of animal liver, and some fruits are also wealthy in folic acid. Of way, in addition to folic acid, also contains many more nutrients and trace units. Here some examples of foods rich in folic acid, for mothers and for your reference:
1, green vegetables, lettuce,and is mopping the layer afresh erase, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, rape, cabbage, lentils, beans, mushrooms, etc.
2, fresh fruit, orange, strawberry, cherry, banana, lemon, peach , plum, apricot, bayberry, crabapple, savage jujube, hawthorn, pomegranate,toronto escorts, grapes, kiwi, pears, walnuts.
3, animals, food animals, the liver, kidney,toronto escorts, fowl meat and eggs, such as liver, chicken, meat, meat and other
4, legumes, nuts soy foods,shanghai escort, soy productions, walnuts, cashews, chestnuts, almonds, pine nuts and other
5, cereals barley, rice bran, wheat germ, brown rice and other
6 , also contains folic acid in walnut oil.
key is a comprehensive nutrition healthy eating is the last word. nurture young lives need more comprehensive nutrition.
I strongly recommend no to eat beast intestines, because the animals are gathered body of toxins there.
senior State nourishment and health division: Li Lu will


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18 日 National Humiliation Day Mukden

1 January,guangzhou massage, New Year's Day last Sunday
World Day to Combat Leprosy Day
2 Day World Wetlands Day
10 Day International Weather Festival
14 Valentine's Day
15 days China's 1.2 billion population
24 日 Third World Youth Day
28 Day World living conditions survey
first day at the fifteenth day of Chinese New Year Lantern Festival

1 International Day
3 on the day of seals Ear Care Day
5 日 Youth Volunteer Service Day in China learn from Lei Feng Day
8 Day International Women's Day
12 日 日 Chinese Arbor Day
14 International Police Day (Day)
15 Day International Consumer Rights Day
16 日 Hand in Hand Heart,merely without production whichever cutting and post-processing, a small associate of a unified citizen poverty
17 day of action at the Chinese National Day International Maritime Festival
18 on the day of Medical Technology Talent Day
21 Day World Sleep Day World Forestry Day (World Forest Day) World songs at
23 World Water Day World Meteorological Day
on World tuberculosis Day Last Monday the safety of Chinese primary and secondary education at

1 April Fool's Day
2 Day International Day International Children's Book Day
7 World Health Day
21 on the day of Entrepreneurs Day
22 Law of the World World Earth Day at
23 Day World Book and Copyright Day
24 日 eastern Journalists at
25 on the day of Immunization Day
26 World Intellectual Property Day Japan Union City at
27 days
30 Day of Reflection on the day of road safety
the National Patriotic Health Secretary last Wednesday of January
World Children's Day the third Sunday in May

1 International Labour Day on World Asthma Day
4 日 anniversary of the May Fourth Movement in China Youth Science and Technology Communication at
5 on the day of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day,shenzhen escort, World Red Cross Day
8 Day World Smile Day
12 Day International Nurses Day
15 International Day of Families (Counseling) at the 17th World Telecommunication Day
18 Iodine Deficiency Disorders Awareness Day on the day of the World Museum Day
19 on the day of helping the handicapped
20 日 Chinese breastfeeding days. Chinese students on World Nutrition at
26 challenges to the human condition at
30 days Day Mother's Day the second Sunday
help needy moms at the third Tuesday of

International Day the third Sunday of May tenth National Disabled Day Dragon Boat Festival

1,beijing escort, International Children's Day
5 World Environment Day
6 on the day of
11 日 Eye on China's population at
17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
22 日 China Children's Charity Day
23 Day International Olympic Day at the World Handball
25 on the day of Land Day, Day International Day Against Drug Abuse
26 (International Anti-Drugs Day) at the International Charter (Charter Day)
30 Day World Youth Festival

Safety Month Safety Advisory second Sunday at
Father's Day the third Sunday of July
1 日
birthday party at International Day of the return of Hong Kong in Asia 30
2 billion human at Day International Sports Press Day
7 日 anniversary of the Chinese People's War 5.0 billion
11 Day World Population Day World Population Day
26 日 Esperanto founded at the first week of
International Cooperation Section VI
Army Day on August
1 日
6 Day International Film Festival
8 日 Chinese man (father) section 15, officially announced the unconditional surrender of Japan at
26 日legal advice at the National
the first Monday of September from the World Breastfeeding Week
2 日 至
9 月 8 日 mm National Traffic Safety Awareness Week
3 日 Sino-Japanese War Victory Day
8th International Federation of Journalists (unity) at the World Literacy Day
10 日 China on World Teacher's Day
16 Earth Day Clean Day International Ozone Layer Protection Day
18 日 National Humiliation Day Mukden
20 on the day of Love Teeth Day
21 International Day of Peace on World Tourism Day
third Tuesday of the third International Day of Peace
National Defense Education Day on Saturday,
The fourth World Deaf Day on Sunday the last Sunday in
World Maritime Day World Heart Day Mid-Autumn Festival

1 October National Day International Day International Day for the Elderly
2,shanghai escort, International Peace (the struggle for freedom and democracy) at
4 Day World Animal Day
8 on the daytime of blood pressure control on left-handed at the International World Sight Day on World Post Day
9 (UPU Day) < br> 10 日 bedroom Revolution Day World Health Day World Mental Health Day
13 日 birth of the Chinese Young Pioneers at the International Teacher's Day World Health Day for one international standard at GMT time on World Standards Day
14 Day
15 Day (16?) International Blind Festival (white cane section)
16 Day World Food Day
17 World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty
22 Day World Traditional Medicine Day
24 日United Nations Day World Development Information Day
28 Day World Health Day
31 men above World diligence aboard the premier Monday

international housing at the second Wednesday of the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
annual Chung Yeung Festival Day
duty to aid the old Double Ninth Chung Yeung Festival in September, November
8 日
press section
9 日 China China Fire Awareness Day (Fire Festival)
10 Day World Youth Day (days)
14 Day World Diabetes Day
17 Combat Day International Student Festival (International Student Day)
20 Day World Children's Day, McDonald's China Development Company ambition be officially fired by the end of October theme fund-raising activities on World Television Day
21 days
25 World greetings International Day of Violence opposition Women
first Zhouquan Guo
Food Hygiene Awareness Week the fourth Thursday of Thanksgiving

1 December, World AIDS Awareness Day
3 Day World Day of Disabled Persons
4 日 China Legal Publicity Day
5 Day (Economic and Social Development) International Volunteer Day World Disabled Day
7 International Civil Aviation Day
9 日 anniversary of the December Ninth Movement Day
11 World Soccer World Day against the disease at the anniversary of the Xi'an Incident
12 日 日
13 anniversary of Nanjing Massacre
15 Day World Immunization Day World Day of Disabled Persons
20 anniversary of the handover, Macau International Day basketball
24 Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day


merely the marrow of it.

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Fuyang situation good, in fact, because so many beautiful Fuchun River in Fuyang. Unfortunately, in recent years as paper mills, dredging containers and other reasons to make the river yellow, alas, they are entire really want to bankrupt ah! Fuchunjiang length of 68 kilometers, 52 kilometers inside Fuyang,shenzhen massage, Shan Qi water vary, the world is not unattended.

winter spring and summer give us a look Fuyang
The Fuchun River side can also be said of small Bund views Kazakhstan ~
summer night to power-saving but now it may be hard to be such a night, but at fewest it does not matter Kazakhstan brighter daytime.
Fuyang sights much, to put it bluntly the stork also mountain ah, New Milton, ah, sky, waterfalls, Fuchun Taoyuan, Longmen, ah, ah, what the sometime dwelling of Sun Quan. And the specialty can not think of Fuyang, which is extra hair above periodical (now upscale the folk shrieked the paper manufacture developed), and tofu peel.
Fuyang introduced to celebrities here, even do not know a modern, Sun Quan and Yu'd even know, whether you do not know --- so if I Please know thatyou do not pretend to know the next two ha, or I would lose face Oh, you know people want to face the skin of animals to it, ahead something some money in fact that the worth of face-saving face is very valuable, if I were you how to make money out of the face ah! If you can not face me, but I definitely must face Oh! West
like saying too much that we crash back to the topic of this house I do not introduce him to Sun Quan
Anyway, he became 1 of the people know his name, the antique people have good hair Diao's
the medium of the Guo Yu is right, (they probably left that aliens diplomatic language educator) the person better, because my junior tall educate Yu secondary perusing is a day to school to look his statue stand that day, sun and air are also cozy! here to tell us about him, and Yu, Clerical, word Duff, 1896 Born December 7 Zhejiang Fuyang obtain Manchuria (now Dove Lane), a family of intellectuals. Yu is a famous current scholastic team Set too hasty, only four lines of words to hang out ... apologetic ah Da Fuge place Kazakhstan in mandate to retention points. This is Da Fuge mountain home in the stork really was great!
Another entity apt say that is, Huang likewise, ah, look by the elapse a long, yellow ah ~ a bit like namely everywhere ...
A yellow since it gave him to do the afterward ad: Yuan painter Huang Kung-wang (1269--1354), the word son long, Changshu, Jiangsu people. formerly a Division of Scribes West Zhejiang Lim's visit, deserving to be implicated in corruption case manager, was falsely imprisoned. alteration the digit after loosen self-entertainment to verse and painting, and has sold BU living. He studied painting profession began relatively late. However, because of alive rough, warm winter knew, painted landscapes, will come to understand and paint thousands of innumerable mound, mysterious dishonest Shenmiao. the strokes Beginners Five Dynasties and Song Dong Yuan, Ju Ran faction by Chao, after the affect of, use of rainy pen Phi Ma Cun, who also praised the Ming and Qing paintings, a Zhongwang large painter. In adding, individually from paintings, left proses, such for over the net, meager, good to introduce it here, peckish to achieve dining a repast to a information ~ ~ Oh! otherwise playing PP ------
PS: haha ​​old periods as many as MM said, Oh! So after banquet I have naught another to add some portrayal to introduce myself ~
first beneath the Hangzhou Wild Animal World, which is located in Hangzhou Fuyang direction guiding to the concession of ~ Hangzhou Wild Animal World in east China is the largest wildlife park . park hills, gurgling water, fruitful vegetation, pedestrian zone with two important resort areas and automobile dealers. has comesintoseffect bring offthe world hundreds of rare birds and beasts and the Chinese one,shanghai escort, two protected animals ten thousand merely. such as: Ibis, pearly lion, white tiger, white rhinoceros, gigantic panda, golden monkey and so on.'s largest sapphire battlefield can prop 8,000 people saw the famous free-for-all. has now been embodied in the and scientific research bottom : Miracle Pik Wan Tung, Happy Rock Ridge Lake, Tiancheng brutal Castanopsis jungle, Taoyuan Sam Ka Tsuen, leisure Crane Dance Floor. Jiuxiao Pik-dong area of ​​which 23,300 square meters, known as a monetary mountain, water, forest, cavities in one of the most peerless attractions in eastern China.
then introduced Longmen, Longmen Shan is located in Fuchun River, the Eastern Han Yan Ziling had praise because Lvliang Long Gate Block 1 temple. Longmen ancient avenue of about 750 meters of macadam is not go to. the goal of more than 90% of the three East Dadi Sun Quan villagers descended from the family, according to genealogical records, from the Three Kingdoms, Sun Quan to the Republic of 28 years (1939 ), Sun World has multiplied to 65.
Here is Babel, waterfalls, formerly known as ; Heavenly Waterfall Yaoguan its long fashion, such as Bell Hill, named after the days of Zhongshan. It chronicles genealogy records, Qin Shi Huang Zhong-day southern excursion embarked above involving Fuchunjiang Zhuji Great Yu Ling Ye; Wu Emperor Sun Quan mariners in this practice; the 1st Ming the salvation of the throne defeated Royal stamp of this mountain, , Liu Ji, Huang Kung-wang and other literati also left a great number of poetry and painting this masterpiece.
New Milton is a place frequented while I was youth, I remember a child is still drinking a lot of sandy waterfront swimming water. Fuchun rill of a small isle, an area of ​​4.12 square kilometers, surrounded by water, the island Lin Sang trees. west of the island in east China's largest natural freshwater swimming pond, coast area of ​​3 million square meters, wide vision, beautiful landscape, a carry on summer.
paper publish civilization in ancient China Village, located in the Fuchun River, the village brought together from the paper, printing a kind of crafts since the invention of tools to paper-making workshops, typography workshops and other forms of showing the world Four Great Inventions of Ancient China in two: Paper and Printing.
last stork mountain is to be mentioned, because my alma mater,beijing massage, to depend on stork mountain, situated in the bank of Fuchun River. because there is a breakwater like storks, hence the appoint Board ...

he tin no show it. Now

Each child has his best to area to zone children's best performance in alter ways. Let the best area in the drawing to the children to take a math important, let a child have not interest in the therapeutic apply for the medicinal profession would guide to ferocious resistance from the child.
families in early childhood training is the biggest misconstruing at parents not to coerce children to pre-set instruction, though the parents to calculate hard, the result is . .

mining potential of the child's parents advised the child's best to be good at that, and targeted education, dig out for many for feasible the child's potential. parents in order to find the best in children, the most important One is to give the child access to a wide range of perception, a wide range of activities to encourage children to participate actively show their talents.
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carefully observe the child's parents should be
accordingly invest opportunities to children, to inspect carefully the extravaganza of children exposed in various out of order. the child's best is constantly the only space he is most interested, most focused, most areas of expertise, so it should encourage the child's interests and hobbies, and to create conditions for children.
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children extensively studied in various fields, nationwide participation in manifold activities in order to ascertain the child's best talent, the best to ascertain the child after him to establish a good surroundings and conditions to encourage him to his advantage to the restrict.

the inconsistency in amount. the same activities

In Tahiti Tourism, in addition to simple to find nice canteens among lying on the waterfront in the sun, coral and fish in neat Swim, the fact there are numerous activities to beyond knowing of Tahiti. The following describes the activities in Moorea and Bora Bora has the content is very similar,shanghai massage, the feud in price. the same activities, may be sixty yuan greenbacks in Moorea, Bora Bora, but we must to eighty greenbacks. Therefore, individually from a few activities in Bora Bora only non- can activity, activity as many as feasible in Moorea.
the range of these categories at tourism activities, climate and sea can be divided into roughly three categories. Since it is one island, I start chatting by sea activities.
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Shark Feeding, Shark feeding activity of this I have been detailed in a diary (see mentioned. In fact, the South Pacific waters in the five hundred another species of shark, of which only twelve ambition eat human. sharks are bloodthirsty, if an open bruise, preferably not water,shenzhen escort, for the sharks on perceptive to the smell of blood, three miles away from the smell of blood it can ascertain to preoccupy it.
this shark feeding activities in the tail and fins are invariably striking black and yellow spots (I do not understand it not belong in an of twelve). I likewise saw it on TV Bora Bora for a navigate dog as gripping, clutching to introduce observers to the shark's fins. At the accident, however the drag of the rope adviser as a barrier line , but tin not actually seclude the shark, namely something mentioned namely when she partook in two sharks truly across the line to their scope, frightened her to decease.
Moorea, but at present, have not heard of shark feeding event was attended The bite was eaten.
shark feeding activities partakers three hours, 6 hours, the price is different, there is no distinction on an uninhabited island with BBQ picnic. same six hours, but there is also scatter, the difference may be rich or not a picnic and stays a few can be an great place for snorkeling. In addition there are more luxury equipment,guangzhou escort, the enterprise sent out the underwater camera to shoot the movie tape course of activities as tourists to purchase a souvenir after the event, this video approximately a hundred NT eighty-nine unit.
increase to playing at sea feeding sharks, fared the stingrays, the phantasmal point to trips to Runner, deep sea fishing.
another kind of activity is in Bora Bora Moorea sea can not be found: Motu Private Picnic.
Recently message circulating in the web a few miles to enjoy personalized service in catering services photo. It was a landmark on this Hawaiian location names alternatively the Maldives, in fact,why it forever brings cries, is erroneous. This photo broke the accident of the backdrop source outdoor the island of Bora Bora in Tahiti a few beside islands, the inventor should be Huahine Island .
such a personal service at sea, nice dining for the premier rendition in Huahine Island, it is normal pure water selling point for the invention of a fashionable gimmick. I did not expect great applaud, since the efficacy of the islands, have a clean look no one the island to open since this Some level of the restaurant, also has a fine dining restaurant does not have the sun, the sea alterations with the light reflection. Meals on to brandy, wine, water to water, with the waitress at the side of the site is engaged cooking fresh vigorous You can savor the seafood served.
the amount of the meal namely quite expensive of course, apt the emphasis on thriller in your quality of life have to turn around the artistic old sister did no want to look more tempted to take the card to lest the next set. But back to Taiwan , she would sigh: [Oh! did .... why do no you dine? our next go!]
I forever sense the blaze brigade when the stern objections: [No! life can merely be Once is enough to Tahiti.]
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Moorea fewer air movement, does have one in Bora Bora Both category can ride together Parasailing, very exciting very attractive, especially youth pairs honeymoon fashionable prefer

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

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the U.S. fashion media

Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. Those who a standing ovation the same sex, sexuality or desire is, as homosexuals. Homosexuality is periodically used to describe homosexual acts, regardless of the participant's sexual orientation. Some people think that homosexuality is a modern notions, in different times have different meanings, is not instantly correspond to the modern ; gay years, they no longer deem that homosexuality is a mental illness, it would be removed from the psychiatric handbook. April 20, 2001, in a very careful elucidation of homosexuality, homosexual sexual activity is not necessarily a psychological abnormality. Thus, homosexuality is no longer classified as a pathological system. no longer regard homosexuality as a unhealthy intellect, this is a tread ahead in Chinese society. the modern spoken language, often use the word gay, the use of ; fluttering. the signification of the elemental definition is not gay; his wife. In Chinese called homosexuals (from the Lesbian homonym). nineties the nineteenth century, found in Taiwan writer Qiu Miaojin lesbian novel gay civilization in Taiwan, the term is more common terms masculine, lusty body type, but with petticoat qualities or shrewd movements and motifs gay. In addition, as the lesbian (also known as l ordinary Gege r), . Generally speaking, the difference is not obvious and not really defined. other there, Oscar, the . nineteenth century, the German Empire promulgated a new constitution to require same-sex sexual behavior in men who sentenced to one year to four years imprisonment. Karl Maria Kertbeny bombarded the lyricist and to withstand the verdict, and for the premier time create the word have been used to replace the then widely used derogatory rape, ache heterosexual offenses better. Kertbeny hope that his new words and the interpretation of the word can repeal the new German Empire, the First 百 seventy-five aid. However, the law is still in the 1871 story adopted and implemented, 6 years later, a Nazi massacre of homosexual law the administration sources.
However, the German psychiatrist, Ai Bin (Richard von Krafft-Ebing) and other doctors to accept the word, it would be used as diagnostic usages in pathology.
the word language prelude use.
With the emergence and evolution of psychology, homosexual became a clinical study of medicine has been used to refer to a cerebral illness called. in the American Psychiatric Association in 1974 from a mental illness will be homosexual catalogue before deleting, homosexual term has been considered to be a homosexual nature of the words with the scandal. Therefore, the Western homosexuals rarely use the word to call themselves homosexual, and homosexual sex.
the so-called homophobia ailment (Homophobia) is on clutch gay bias,toronto escorts, discrimination,guangzhou escort, detest homosexuality as a mental. 1972 George Weinberg in tainted relations. May 19, 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) of homosexuality from the psychiatric register, a French scholar Louis-Georges Tin then launched on May 17 each year as the International Day Against Homophobia (International Day against Homophobia , referred to IDAHO) to decrease discrimination against homosexuals.
later, gay conceal the language that became fashionable, and by the recognition of homosexuals as a extra appropriate term homosexuality a cry. English word gay, this manner feel merry, begin using the word gay as his own label, as distinct from the pathological and clinical terms are warmhearted accustomed homosexual. to the sixties of the twentieth centenary to the seventies, the United States urged the gay community and playback of assorted medium involved in reporting replaced with the information gay gay homosexual, as a response, gay medium, the term began to be adopted and accustomed. But in truth, this is a quite long process, such as until 1989, the U.S. fashion middles, one of the Times The label of a Greek isle Lesbos (Lai Sibo Island). the isle in the Aegean Sea in northwestern Turkey, approach the beach, multi-Rock Hill, is an important Aeolian people live. When the seventh centenary BC , Lai Sibo Island is famous for its lyrical poets, these poets, the most famous lesbian poet Sappho is (Sappho). Lesbian This method people alive in the island, but since Sappho later, Lesbian this words started to have a new comment. nineteenth centenary, the medical community began to refer to and use of lesbian Sappho women have the same sexual orientation. Since then, lesbian women began to comprise the averaging of homosexuality, and was warmhearted secondhand up.
There are some ancient Chinese records of the eclipse of homosexuality. For example: narrated to the extreme. nightmare, Jia has a similar homosexual behavior. Han Zi Gao and Chen Wendi Chen Qian (Sin of the traditional characters) is also known to each other. Chen Wendi men who have Korean child raised queen lofty, then the end was not successful. unofficial Korean high-called sub- Chen Zi high, is the cap of the surname Chen Qian.
ordinarily thought same-sex sexual narratives is common in antique Greece. But KJ Dover (KJ Dover) pointed out that such a relationship does not replace marriage between men and women, but occurs before or together. a young male, adult male will have a fellow, he would transform a , who was eager to be loved that is no appropriate, because he has not masculine. driven at the lust and adore, adore and selfless devotion of entire those who will be required for the boom of the darling community training. (Greek Homosexuality, KJ Dover, 1979 年, Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd, London)
in Benkert before the creation of this medical term, homosexual sex is doomed as evil Christian Church, and in some European countries, including Britain, were unauthorized . In some cases, men will be caged because it involved homosexual acts, like a hundred years ago the British Academy. Wilde's famous case. Westerners crime about sex with the principle dates behind to the twelfth century. Yale University of the famous historian Boswell found that homosexuals whether religious or secular society. , p. 334). XIII and XIV century is a heresy is not tolerant of whichever age, including non-Christian crusade Crusades, the exclusion of Jews, and the hazardous elements being of people suspected of growing indiscriminate repression. Boswell eminent that the performance of such intolerance affects the afterward few centuries of European society. Foucault (1979) in his Government and the medical profession's legislature, the condemnation of homosexuality from the religious to the secular society and the convey of the medical profession.
the late nineteenth century in Europe and the United States as the result of this historical forces converged, same-sex sexual orientation is considered The diagnosis of a medical element, but also be treated as a criminal and unlawful activities. However, in the early twentieth century, those in their same-sex sexual and sensitive attraction to men and women have their nice friends in urban areas the network composition and conference place (D'Emilio, 1981/1993). In a metropolis such as New York, the conference place in the twenties of this century that the generation of sexual liberation is widely known and frequented. In this century three years on behalf of the well-known social repression, with the promulgation of the law and police repression, the period of social acceptance of same-sex attraction to an end. economic pressure has forced many men lose their jobs, thus the recovery of heterosexual masculinity accented that may be intolerant of homosexuality afresh one of the causes (Chauncey, 1994).
twenties of the twentieth century, in Germany, produced a movement with sex and has a library and a megalopolis established in Berlin in 1939. the Nazis devastated the megalopolis, scalded the library. Shortly thereafter, the Government enacted laws deterring gay sex, thousands of homosexuals were imprisoned and died in concentration camps (Plant, 1986). Freud the fled Germany during the London harbor. In twenty years, he had signed a application in support of the gay movement, and wrote a well-known, although homosexuality is no benefit to society, but it also mental sense, not a pathological phenomenon.
World War II with the men and women to men and women together in unprecedented numbers. In the United States, the outcome is the so-called homosexuals in the armed forces of washing, has been After the end of the warfare proceeded, and in the fifties and the anti-gay Senator JosephMcCarthy anti-communist movement was further amplified. In this social atmosphere, AlfredKinsey and his assistant in the United States presented their technological research on sexual behavior The first report, found that men experienced a large number of same-sex sexual behavior. their subsequent study found that these experiences also happen in women. These research materials beneath severe criticism, but then gave Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York gay movement invested support. Europe has the same sex campaigns, including Amsterdam and Copenhagen gay movement. the gay weeklies, magazines, personal clubs and public locations together and started accosting the disease-oriented view of homosexual behavior.
In the sixties, the fuse of Gay Rights Movement, a modern gay people from repression to protest, turning from darkness to light.
there is not substantial gay population statistics, merely the learn alternatively sampling for the examine for reference. homosexual population share will be another along apt another estimates of the results, and based aboard the noted psychologist Sigmund Freud Austrian study, every human may have just about the same sexual orientation. So, gay share the true proportion of the population, by far there namely not real response; some heterosexual activists advocating that the ratio namely approximately an per cent apt four per penny from, but this diagram is apparently underestimated the true proportion of homosexuality. counting of In addition, in a different examine,shanghai massage, the experience of merely one gay human; 2 fully defined themselves for homosexual than those who experienced numerous homosexual acts.
According to Freud's psychological research shows that everybody in the community are bisexual Love tendency, therefore, have the same sexual tendencies share the true proportion of the population, the population may be all of society, that is one hundred percent.
But variant famous American sex specialist Alfred. Kinsey in gold Race sexuality report, the United States Thirty seven per masculine had contact with variant male to accomplish altering degrees of happiness; while in another study, the National Survey Center reported that only about one percentage 0.7 of American men calculate they are definitely gay. Many in the U.S. and Europe tend to consider that a promiscuous survey in the past have had sex with the number of experienced folk around 8 percent, and only homosexual experience about two per cent, the people.
Kinsey later, a large number of large-scale cross-cultural survey of the gay population is always displayed for fewer than Kinsey demanded, the survey covered a random sample of tens of thousands of objects . However, memorandum that the report will be different because of the concealment and the tester prejudice.
general, anti-homosexual reference data often show the ratio is one per cent gay, homosexual activists by reference the information is Nearly ten percent.
continuous spectrum of gay and heterosexual people usually, some will have some degree of homosexual affection or temporary. On the contrary, many his own personality as a gay person, or tend to have sex with same-sex sexual relations and the upkeep people, and also maintain sex with the opposite sex, or maintain long-term heterosexual relationships. These remain the same-sex sexual heterosexual practice are usually considered to be male sexual behavior homosexual to heterosexual indeed continuous spectrum of sexual orientation change to assess their sexual orientation, and self-assessment of the results of the respondents and the respondents comprehensive inquiry of the behavior study, Kinsey showed that most people by fewest in some category extent bisexual. Many people will also be attracted to bisexual, notwithstanding usually they prefer a certain gender. Kinsey and his colleagues thus believe that only a few people (five per cent to ten percent) is indeed homosexual or heterosexual. In addition, whether the definition of a bisexual sex favorite does not mate the preferences of the opposite sex more intense, the less people are completely two- homosexuality. While the new study suggests that the Kinsey study may amplify the occurrence of bisexual populations, but his concept of a continuous spectrum but was widely accepted. On the whole, and with their same sex have homosexual behavior, by itself, does not necessarily considered homosexual orientation, but only same-sex sexual behavior. not all the same sex to attract or maintain the relationship between homosexual people themselves as gay, or twice homosexual. Some frequent sex with people still believe that they are heterosexual. Therefore, the distinction between homosexual behavior, homosexual attraction and homosexual self-identification is very important, they are not necessarily the same. For example, in prison, or other gender-segregated context, may reason to the situation in heterosexual sexual behavior, however they are in the appearance environment, heterosexual. Some people busy in homosexual behavior is not based on their sexual orientation or sexual desire, such as prostitutes. They are sometimes young heterosexual men, but they make money through sex with men.
sex with animals, birds and mammals in common, such as monkeys. Some people think that the sexual behavior and male prevailed society organizations and social theory on the jail. homosexual sex, sex with monks,shenzhen escort, military camps homosexual sex, constantly considered the position of non-sexual gay or homosexual, showing a alike Mushi mode bonobo social groups tin also be found in homosexual acts; Australian male dark swans constantly form between two spouse pairs, or with the petticoat composed of 3 families swans breed. between sheep and people male homosexual similar phenomenon, Mar male sheep, a study for male homosexuality in sheep brains and they called a shows the animal with the choice of sexual partners during the time there is a difference based on their brain, not usually considered gender differences in the animals.
probably due to the formation of the retinue aspects:
First, what ingredients on resolve a person's sexual orientation, there are many polemical issues (particularly with regard to environmental and genetic appearances of the argue): whether sexual orientation is innate or earned, are immutable, or optional. Some people think that homosexuality is a knowledge behavior. But others believe that if homosexuality is a learning behavior, he should learn by having homosexual heterosexual sexual arousal, sexual provocation and sexual behavior to change gay orientation, but it is very difficult indeed. They claims must have an innate ingredients make most of the people of the opposite sex have sex. These elements are embodied homosexuals, but homosexuality is one typical example.
Second, the majority of homosexuals are born. in people traditional meditative, In a written records of any country at any time there have been no. Of way, there are some that homosexuality is acquired reversed, these and family affect, social trends associated. The early years of the family influence is quite great. For example, in the army, homosexuality circumstances sometimes occur. social trends will also affect people's sexual orientation. In the West the ancient Greek and Chinese Wei and Jin, appearance-oriented manner of a man's age, that epoch, homosexuality is also the most popular. Kashiwa famous people in ancient Greece Latour, and Socrates, are homosexuals, in their conception, men and young men and women than men, love, love to be magnificent. and be king of the Zhou in ancient China, Warring States Period of the Another example is the period Sui hold the same ride, the Song of the implementation of hand on face,in the system, until the Ming and Qing dynasties over-close relationship between same sex is still common. ancient times this was not strictly jump, it is evolving culture since ancient times, but not now meaning the disease. Moreover, not necessarily gay. Many historians and humanities scholars do not consider this shock of social factors is not as obvious on the surface is so great, but a tolerant society makes it more open to gay, and conservative society are more comrades chose to conceal.
some religious organizations I believe homosexuality is a choice, and provide transition treatment for homosexuals (conversion therapies) to change their sexual orientation, but these therapies by the medical profession and the scientific community criticized because they bring a sense of depression treatment can sometimes lead to suicide or inferiority complicated. American Society of morale has passed a resolution in 1997, said the doctors involved in such treatment would be considered unethical.
usually due to the armed forces to implement more stringent than the social system of gender segregation Therefore, since the ancient time, there are many documented military gay literature, and that the phenomenon of homosexuality within the armed forces is more common than social. the official attitude towards this behavior varies according to country, but it reflects their cultural point of view towards homosexuality. Ancient Greece and the former Japanese military modernization, the traditional patronize for this form of intimacy between men. In ancient Greece there are also special gay army men formed by the common love of the ancient Greek philosopher , people who love each other to get the most closely integrated, to enhance war effectiveness. modern countries, such as the UK, welcomed homosexuals in the military service, but there are like the United States armed forces to homosexuals as a menace. Boy Scout troops emulate suit, and usually reflects the situation of the military treatment of homosexuality. such as the UK for its welcoming attitude, while the United States refused to add Boy Scouts of homosexuals.
a culture of religion in the formation of attitudes towards the issue of homosexuality play an important role. the history of a negative attitude on homosexuality only Abrahamic Education (Abrahamic religions). non-Abrahamic religions generally considered homosexual population is acceptable or independent. But in the beginning of colonialism and imperialism, the scatter of years, many non-Abrahamic religions began to accept this religion hostile to the idea of ​​gay.
religious attitudes about homosexuality are also unlike. Now, the more conservative of the Abrahamic religions (Abrahamic religions) as a teaching homosexuality a sin, and Buddhism, Shinto and other religions put all forms of sex are watched as the interference of the spiritual life, but there is no emphasis on the object of sexual orientation. affected countries by the fundamentalist same-sex relationships are generally considered a variety of sexual distortion, and to penalties. In some areas, homosexual issue inhibition of sodomy. but many adopted the English common law system of the country, the Bill retains the anti-sodomy and executed homosexuals. This has been followed to the late nineteenth century.
the twentieth century, with the gay rights The rise of civil rights as chapter of pan, and academic research on sexual behavior resulting from the emergence of queer studies, production the image of homosexuality seemed in the media, and changed the level of social acceptance of homosexuality.
UK Wo Fendui report (Wolfenden report) is the legalization of homosexuality in Western countries, the turning point. Many Western civilized countries are now on homosexuality or homosexual acts were legalized. a number of European countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany have been allowed to change the statute or same-sex wedding or lawful admission of long-term gay relationship. a digit of countries permit gay couples adopt babies. and openly admit that homosexual, bisexual or homosexual sex in the past has been the number of politicians also on the mushroom. This includes subsidiary of the former British Defense Secretary John Major (John Major), Portillo (Michael Portillo). openly gay politicians in major dimension. Norris is the Irish Senate, and the current and former Irish President Mary. Maia Rees (Mary McAleese ) and Mary. Robinson, the Irish gay law reform movement (Campaign for Homoexual Law Reform), the builder of this union on the legalization of homosexuality in Ireland played one major character in the process.
on legislation and legalization of same-sex sexual behavior and, and same-sex marriage and no sex is gay civil alliance detailed the main objectives of power activists to protect gay couples and families.
recent annuals, some districts have relaxed or eliminated legal discrimination opposition homosexuals, including the sodomy law and legion regulations banning gay.
1951, Bulgaria legalized homosexual acts between adults, Hungary and Czechoslovakia in 1961 passed. in England and Wales, Nineteen sixty seven of the twenty consenting adults over the age of the legalization of homosexual acts, Scotland in 1980 follow-up, Northern Ireland in the 1982 follow-up. age of agree in 1994 from two down the age of 11 to eighteen years of age, and in 2000 in Great Britain and Northern Ireland down to the age of sixteen seventeen years age, so that same-sex sexual age of consent age of consent sexual intercourse with the opposite sex the same.
In the U.S., the trbring ... to an end the June 26, 2003 reached a pinnacle while the U.S. Supreme Court in Lawrence vs. Texas ruling that the United States Constitution states the two adults in private , non-commercial activities (including same-sex sexual activity) allow for the crime is unconstitutional. and the abolition of the country's sodomy laws.
in the PRC, the provisions of homosexuality as a crime, but in 1996 there had been before the nefarious law in accordance with The new murderer law by rogue elements of the crime to give a more explicit explanation, which does not include homosexual sex, homosexuality in the People's Republic of root that has been completely decriminalized. But because most Chinese people are homosexual behavior still holds repellent viewpoint, and there is no law expressly declared to defend the legitimate rights of homosexuals, so homosexuality in society is still subject to a certain degree of discrimination and suppression, but the general public (particularly the younger generation) the viewpoint of the general trend towards homosexuality is more tolerant.
However, the trend of these countries are not all countries in the world the same, in some countries, homosexuality is still considered a crime. At present, more does not accept homosexuality and chief punishment and imprisonment nation, widely dispensed in the Muslim areas of Africa, West Asia and South Asia and additional regions, including imprisonment, including in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Singapore, Uganda, French Guiana, and the necrosis penalty more caustic, including in Afghanistan, Iran , Pakistan, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, in these countries will still be sentenced to capital punishment, and the most extreme sample.
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likewise and I am the Cold War

1. Captain asked ***:love stories of you committed? manuscript tools. The > Officer: huge and small will be criminal of incontinence, simply did not push. Captain: herself hhh Other team members were drinking at the bar, just-field completions over 5 minutes pato N who scored a goal with Brazilian team mate are admirable. then no further deposit dependents race to race, to be told Brazil lost 1:2 , very frustrating to see pato, Ronaldinho is past comfort, said: diving, I sent off a.
3.8 7:50 13 days and nights later, closing the gate, light up the windows,apt manner what variety of structure, draw the shutters. Turn on the TV transferred to China's CCTV-5 want to see men's soccer. only to see 5 minutes. Then suddenly invented door open. I was startled and instantly began off the TV. then the door peek friends. catch a glimpse of my variety of embarrassed and said: wow, you see av ***?? I immediately said there was no connection .
he would corner on the TV, grab a glimpse of soccer in the multicast. say: ah? football marathon are you ??????? *** Shashi my face ruddy achieve, suddenly said: No, no I was looking by av *
4. mystery river creatures dead, average dwellers get on the irregular, non-stop according the plant variation, it is pesticide remnants? usual biochemical combat?
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4. correct petition of digital TV can be a profitable defense Kunitari
5. Kunitari is not a ailment that is so hideous kick
6. A: I hear you brother national team play? to tease your brother was in the national team to play it! you one hundred are in the national team play!
7. Lao Du (LD exercise) to inquire God: What time could get the Chinese team qualifying A Lao Du
God looked solemnly said: I think this conference on the line
Lao Du (LD exercise) vv tongue: TMDDD take me to have amusement
>> God roar to: TMDDDDD obtain I have fun?
> 888 a good man behind the hit on the realm of God, God says: I ambition to see you a satiation
>> Can he Journal of the Japanese islands do?
> God says: The trouble is too high, change it
>> good man said, >>>> God mentioned, wiping the sweat from his pate? , the br >>>>> condom contractors saw a All Black team against the wanton bombing of the goal, confession words: automobile, how can their drug use was also a matron, how this can be done?! But Britain also blow them last analysis, Britain last three days and nights trying to think, and finally base one measure: Let a Super black signal blowing referee dressed in black, cried the son and a thump, a dozen gestures, arrogance awe-inspiring to say: is grateful to mute,,, injustice>>>> every good! I thank unconcerned dumb, you will not Zaima the. While I was unconcerned and speechless, but I also have the tolerance limits. do you think immediately The Chinese Football Association has so well mingled as in former times elapse it? good age days long elapse experience it! hey! I have not met ah?
> you really think I want to be a Football Association President ah! even want to be, it would So before, not now! know? who do not know if this is a Zhayao Tong ah! World Cup qualifying round meet that we are faced with the Olympic Games, this time to when the Football Association chairman?! not find the death of it! say is what I want to commit suicide itself it would not be so ashamed! hey! bear the blame back to me this is really wrong
>> remember to look in someone applicable to the time I have not submitted your resume to the Football Association, I am co-pigs (Pig Association) submit a resume. I do not know why altitude gave the wrong, probably a misunderstanding of it! is the first reaction when I had this topic up. But they said no deficit of pigs Association. And I said: pig, do not know, but keep playing football they told me: to the Football Association that if the boot Oh, but when the head h
>>>> results so I was mislead to come to the play afterward seeing those black sheep I repent. I muse, ah ! After this I can discern how human, ah! hey! seal their feet wailing when I caught a glimpse of hope to see. That is the Samuel Doe. Hey! you trick lying D? me to deceive?! very laborious to deceive him as the main discipline. ha ha! finally find a **** Na Lai, Yi Pan Stanford
>>> hey ~ ~ ~ I did not think ah! aliens due to better deceive ah! Lao Du came after penetrated wrong, and I have trouble emotion that I do not textbooks gas; also and I am the Cold War, absenteeism is not a leave of paucity. all pessimistic counter, and finally as he wished, at the decisive time br>>>> Since the Lao Du away, I was living as of years, all horrified, to be inside the world if I was a CD by who alarm the appearance of the Olympic Games? Why? as I know, more than and those spendthrift Ayala ball, I'm going a little for my private combat?
>>> hey! not say do not say! look at other Table Tennis Association, Basketball lying look at the winter Olympics hh people can really be considered during the New Year, I had a catastrophe Oh
>> The Union >>>> scroll reads, dissimilar contest entrance coupons underground drain in the shipwreck, the > 111, and the Antarctic penguin national football team in the competition, the team class and the Football Association complained almost a wide range of garden slippery Antarctic Penguins, playing no Kunitari preferential that players not be competent to exercise fewer than good implementation of the main operational head?
>>>? 222, members of the body parity Antarctic Penguins small, compared to the low centre of gravity, Yi Shi Antarctic Penguins the ball on the floor slightly better than a piece on the elimination of citizen football, causing the ball buffet the floor when the national football does no do on the entrenched?
>>> 333, Antarctic Penguins home air too much,guangzhou massage, even though national football ground combat alternatives have been forsook South Asian country for the perfunctory dwarf team, take along scale U Jie Huang Quan haggard O Di Zhen Jie Bao nail Kuwana set Wa t yi Huan sacral
>>>? 444, compared to the Antarctic Penguins team members are widely strong, national football teams of penguins in Antarctica? a href = Lan Yang match amine basket negative head grief clams Long NIE ㄎ spring Huan Xi Hong Yi-Wa t?
>> 555, due to the absence of need to the Antarctic away the room, super five-star hostel, the players for a lack of , which leads to the spirit of national football will not be together when the real, not be able to play less than otherwise the car is not prominent? two jade hand in hand, and this player's injury will influence the level of strength groups Kunitari
>> 666, and Antarctic penguins team competition, the Antarctic skua , seals, whales and other cheerleaders took location in the field too much rumpus, and other pornographic performances bare physique show, which affects the regular national football skills made
>>>>? 7, the most momentous lead is the Football Association without prior and when the worth of referee , Missing, miscarriage of righteousness heavy penalties
>> At the end, by the time the knot in the citizen football, Antarctica became the first ever football into the stadium into the world!
>> rely on the Chinese team to work against the basis, basically stopping at hand, simply rely on amazing howl, ward based
>>> >?, and stopped>> stop the ball to their back feet 1000 mm, the Brazilian Ball
>>>> stop the ball to their feet? 00 cm guard, is the Spanish players
>> stop the ball into its own foot guard decimeter 1000, the German ball
>>>> stop the ball to their feet? 000 meters, and the formation of shot, forcing goalkeeper make fighting the guard, is the
>> player
>> 2 ,,,,, pass?
> can probably do 5000 meters long pass right outside, looking on the increase teammate of the player, is a British player
>> can probably 55,555 meters in the second over of a fine player, is Argentina's players?
nearby network>> can do 555 meters may pass among a short pass thrown, and the guard Pioneer 5000 meters each 2 to melodrama more than an player, is the
>>>> member?
> 3,,, shoot>> can or appearance shot to wreck the 300,000 m players, a German player?
> can probably mutual in the door through the exquisite 333 meters of the player to play Buddhism succeeded, the Portuguese players
>> Perhaps in a penalty hit for the edge flag players upset , is the ball
>>>>?,, with>> you can probably put the ball into the bottom line from the side the other half of the players, the Dutch players
>> can be Perhaps the base line of the ball to the other side from the bottom of the player, the Brazilian Ball
>>>> you can probably put the ball players from the side at the foot of steals, and taken to the side where the goal is that the Chinese players?
> can probably put the ball the same with favor Henry, is the Great
>> 5,,,
>>>> as the players applause the referee may, European players?
> can perhaps decide swearing players, players in South America
>> could probably spit on the referee and the players in pursuit of the Chinese players
>> 6 ,,,,, foot single?
> maybe even 888 cycles to get the players kick the ball in Brazil
>>>> can probably even? three cycles, suddenly into the box helps the player, the Portuguese players
>> can maybe even half a step cycle, the rupture itself, the players broke into the Chinese players
>> 7 ,,,,, body?
> can probably crazy 9000 minutes, without blinking one eye of the players, the Korean players
>> can perhaps 900,000 minutes, panting players, players in Europe?
> could probably sprint 9000 minutes, sweating, such as pulp players, players in South America
>> can perhaps 900,000 minutes, the players fell to the ground cramps, is the player?
> 8,,, fast>> you can probably run faster than the ball player, the Netherlands ball
>>>> could probably run as fast as the player with the ball, is a British player?
> could probably run as hasty as the player with the referee is the Maldives players
>> even must run, but the players the referee, is the ball
>> If the Chinese team to qualify, I concession self ------ pull?
> If the Chinese team to qualify, I'll disburse out of nuclear weapons ---- Sada
>> If the Chinese team to qualify, I am open to transformation ------ Kim?
> If the Chinese team to qualify, I'll destroy the sanctuary ---- Junichiro wild
>> If the Chinese team to qualify, I heard the party's No. ------ Afghanistan?
> If the Chinese team to qualify, I will acknowledge when to bring the parent bin Laden ---- cloth>> If the Chinese team to qualify,toronto escort, I give to Israel, Palestinian ------ Sand?
> ; if the Chinese team to qualify, I trusted in Buddhism ---- Sky team around the corner, the Chinese group in Asia looting
>> According to insider information, in order to be in the world cup qualifying group in Asia, entrenched in a gainful position, the only Asian team in the AFC unlike resorted to a heap of wrist and held public narrations, almost all of the teams have expressed to the AFC team points ***** For a group
>>>> To this end, the mobilization of the AFC membership countries except China Football Association representatives, held in Malaysia secret auction,toronto escorts, held on the subject of the Chinese team as a competitive auction. end of intense competition at the end of Great Britain, Singapore, Qatar, India, the three country? 5 billion bid,toronto asian escorts, got his wish to sub in a group with China. The auction After the meeting, representatives of the three country's football federation reveals the affection of this victory bid
>> Singapore: Britain final few years with the Chinese team's contest against other teams we have invented phase, the Chinese team is the best opponent, we can maybe hope to see in this world cup qualifiers to vanquish an opponent, out of Asia to accomplish our long-cherished wish
>> Qatar: World Cup is the most people to host sporting events We hope to see at this stage can probably show the world our national manners. by the previous contest with the Chinese team, I am afraid we invented the enemy than to select the Chinese team is selected virtually 66,666 points, such as Xu outlet becomes more briefly. money is not subject to the world Cup group qualifying,? $ 500,000,000 compared to usual values, we need to know the old for eastern customers can spend so much money
>> India: China and India is the world's two most tooth on the country, but also the fastest growing economies in the world two new effort, we hope to see confirmed in football can perhaps better than we penniless in China. While our contest soon after by the Chinese soccer team, But we held a careful analysis of the control, we are convinced that chose China as a antagonistic football, yeah babies
>> else, some other representatives of state talked about their own views. Han JPPPPP the Football Association representatives performance, there is no point in a group with China was very sorry, what this manner that the most insurance? 6 points, but appropriate to itself has a strong atmosphere force, did not must spend 555 billion dollars in money. They do not think that even with China team the same team, also will be well qualify
>> failed bid for Laos, Bangladesh, Cambodia and other countries is the performance of funds on behalf of football's raging dissatisfaction, they thought they should not use this means of bidding auction to the resolution back to the Chinese team is, if they can pay the money and the Chinese team in the group chat chambers online ,>>>> U.S.? / strong>>, resolved also from the group stage round. I heard namely they ambition mention to FIFA to complain defendants jointly and disclose the AFC World Cup qualifying group behind the scenes. To this end, the AFC end of the Agreement with the country we see completed in private, from 155.5 billion U.S. dollars in the bid, will get 30%% % country stadium sponsor these basic way to set equipment sway
>>>> atrophy excellent Olympic Games set a new record?
> record I: premier goal in Olympic history in China
>> This is of no to the sometime without Xiren's goal, 4 years afterward, Dong with their grandchildren to see the Olympics football competition is likewise arrogant to say: Grandpa's goal in the Olympics as yet no one break
>> disc two: the initial go into the Olympic Games the Chinese foot
>>>> Tan Sung is disturbing to see one foot, the Chinese work, narrate his best in promoting China's efforts to write on the path the earth heavy sum?
> recorded three: two red cards in the history of the Chinese Olympic football birth
>> read Song Tan, Zheng to defend their movements with the dignity of Chinese football, but also the whole world told me the Board is to conquer your weakness. The records have peruse is as soon as likely to break via
>> recorded four: Birth of the
>>>>? materials: salt pig 2222, the digit of tofu (better) 1333 feet spit? 3.3 billion>> prepared by: inflame 166
> >> dish vision of infinity, it will exceed several important cuisines of China, the Chinese catering manufacture brought to the abyss
>> recorded five: the initial issuance of the Olympics and vindicate the homeland and the dignity of the fans?
>>> Chinese soccer team, the flag of the chest do not let people stop to see a good absolutely. so as not to cause social Ling little winter is already too hard and uncle were police officers, and ask that you let them?
>>> records VI: the audience in the history of the Olympic soccer the fastest exit?
>>> not stop the contest, viewers have been going wrong soon after the. left many fans and not with the diplomatic key back to the home crowd does not go the. how nice the audience, ah, they bear to continue to be bullied you, acute apart. Wulihe record how many brilliance and imagination, this daytime was that you consumed, fraught with Shenyang over the scent you smell, the atmosphere Number of sewage ambitions to reach the annals minimum
>> Olympic Men's Basketball as the five?
>>>?.... most manifest is the success of two Chinese men's basketball tournament before the two War Liang Bai, the Chinese Olympic team? 111111 negate. and lacking the Olympic team lost the race, losing not? 222, the Chinese team lost to the United States? 1111?
>>> 2 ... M baskets and Spain in the competition? 111 minutes to lose the ball out. Olympic and non-stop to keep the race in Belgium? 777 minutes before a wash page, and the New Zealand team is to keep? over 0000 minutes. This is a qualitative inconsistency among the full
>>?.... Olympic focus Zheng? 4444 minutes fined Bureau, the focus of China's Yao Ming in basketball end of more period when it is mandated?>>> beauteous peppery Dance, as the>> affected absent from than Olympic. So of lesson, are losing, the IOC evidently both more lightly?
>>>?.... Olympic being? 222 the case of small I only lost the personal 222 balls, playing varsity basketball course, and Spain to overtime, but the end of still lose? 0000 points. But if, in the men's basketball competition? 222 small for my personal, it is? 333 555 against Spain, to determine is a pathetic?
>>>?.... Chinese Basketball and Spain before the race, the Spanish team was? 1111 points, before falling about 2,000 points. However, the Chinese Basketball accidental big score in the first two? video chat? / muscular >>>>, and 444 and Spain contest draw, to play a very conspicuous. But from medicinal point of outlook, such as the promise to play a hapless people watching in the center easily in people stuck Daxitaibei. Olympic team play is permanently secured, lasting strong cease in the Team New Zealand will not give the team a surprise. such as Xu's team, held in prefer of the fans are very green,