Thursday, April 28, 2011

the U.S. fashion media

Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. Those who a standing ovation the same sex, sexuality or desire is, as homosexuals. Homosexuality is periodically used to describe homosexual acts, regardless of the participant's sexual orientation. Some people think that homosexuality is a modern notions, in different times have different meanings, is not instantly correspond to the modern ; gay years, they no longer deem that homosexuality is a mental illness, it would be removed from the psychiatric handbook. April 20, 2001, in a very careful elucidation of homosexuality, homosexual sexual activity is not necessarily a psychological abnormality. Thus, homosexuality is no longer classified as a pathological system. no longer regard homosexuality as a unhealthy intellect, this is a tread ahead in Chinese society. the modern spoken language, often use the word gay, the use of ; fluttering. the signification of the elemental definition is not gay; his wife. In Chinese called homosexuals (from the Lesbian homonym). nineties the nineteenth century, found in Taiwan writer Qiu Miaojin lesbian novel gay civilization in Taiwan, the term is more common terms masculine, lusty body type, but with petticoat qualities or shrewd movements and motifs gay. In addition, as the lesbian (also known as l ordinary Gege r), . Generally speaking, the difference is not obvious and not really defined. other there, Oscar, the . nineteenth century, the German Empire promulgated a new constitution to require same-sex sexual behavior in men who sentenced to one year to four years imprisonment. Karl Maria Kertbeny bombarded the lyricist and to withstand the verdict, and for the premier time create the word have been used to replace the then widely used derogatory rape, ache heterosexual offenses better. Kertbeny hope that his new words and the interpretation of the word can repeal the new German Empire, the First 百 seventy-five aid. However, the law is still in the 1871 story adopted and implemented, 6 years later, a Nazi massacre of homosexual law the administration sources.
However, the German psychiatrist, Ai Bin (Richard von Krafft-Ebing) and other doctors to accept the word, it would be used as diagnostic usages in pathology.
the word language prelude use.
With the emergence and evolution of psychology, homosexual became a clinical study of medicine has been used to refer to a cerebral illness called. in the American Psychiatric Association in 1974 from a mental illness will be homosexual catalogue before deleting, homosexual term has been considered to be a homosexual nature of the words with the scandal. Therefore, the Western homosexuals rarely use the word to call themselves homosexual, and homosexual sex.
the so-called homophobia ailment (Homophobia) is on clutch gay bias,toronto escorts, discrimination,guangzhou escort, detest homosexuality as a mental. 1972 George Weinberg in tainted relations. May 19, 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) of homosexuality from the psychiatric register, a French scholar Louis-Georges Tin then launched on May 17 each year as the International Day Against Homophobia (International Day against Homophobia , referred to IDAHO) to decrease discrimination against homosexuals.
later, gay conceal the language that became fashionable, and by the recognition of homosexuals as a extra appropriate term homosexuality a cry. English word gay, this manner feel merry, begin using the word gay as his own label, as distinct from the pathological and clinical terms are warmhearted accustomed homosexual. to the sixties of the twentieth centenary to the seventies, the United States urged the gay community and playback of assorted medium involved in reporting replaced with the information gay gay homosexual, as a response, gay medium, the term began to be adopted and accustomed. But in truth, this is a quite long process, such as until 1989, the U.S. fashion middles, one of the Times The label of a Greek isle Lesbos (Lai Sibo Island). the isle in the Aegean Sea in northwestern Turkey, approach the beach, multi-Rock Hill, is an important Aeolian people live. When the seventh centenary BC , Lai Sibo Island is famous for its lyrical poets, these poets, the most famous lesbian poet Sappho is (Sappho). Lesbian This method people alive in the island, but since Sappho later, Lesbian this words started to have a new comment. nineteenth centenary, the medical community began to refer to and use of lesbian Sappho women have the same sexual orientation. Since then, lesbian women began to comprise the averaging of homosexuality, and was warmhearted secondhand up.
There are some ancient Chinese records of the eclipse of homosexuality. For example: narrated to the extreme. nightmare, Jia has a similar homosexual behavior. Han Zi Gao and Chen Wendi Chen Qian (Sin of the traditional characters) is also known to each other. Chen Wendi men who have Korean child raised queen lofty, then the end was not successful. unofficial Korean high-called sub- Chen Zi high, is the cap of the surname Chen Qian.
ordinarily thought same-sex sexual narratives is common in antique Greece. But KJ Dover (KJ Dover) pointed out that such a relationship does not replace marriage between men and women, but occurs before or together. a young male, adult male will have a fellow, he would transform a , who was eager to be loved that is no appropriate, because he has not masculine. driven at the lust and adore, adore and selfless devotion of entire those who will be required for the boom of the darling community training. (Greek Homosexuality, KJ Dover, 1979 年, Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd, London)
in Benkert before the creation of this medical term, homosexual sex is doomed as evil Christian Church, and in some European countries, including Britain, were unauthorized . In some cases, men will be caged because it involved homosexual acts, like a hundred years ago the British Academy. Wilde's famous case. Westerners crime about sex with the principle dates behind to the twelfth century. Yale University of the famous historian Boswell found that homosexuals whether religious or secular society. , p. 334). XIII and XIV century is a heresy is not tolerant of whichever age, including non-Christian crusade Crusades, the exclusion of Jews, and the hazardous elements being of people suspected of growing indiscriminate repression. Boswell eminent that the performance of such intolerance affects the afterward few centuries of European society. Foucault (1979) in his Government and the medical profession's legislature, the condemnation of homosexuality from the religious to the secular society and the convey of the medical profession.
the late nineteenth century in Europe and the United States as the result of this historical forces converged, same-sex sexual orientation is considered The diagnosis of a medical element, but also be treated as a criminal and unlawful activities. However, in the early twentieth century, those in their same-sex sexual and sensitive attraction to men and women have their nice friends in urban areas the network composition and conference place (D'Emilio, 1981/1993). In a metropolis such as New York, the conference place in the twenties of this century that the generation of sexual liberation is widely known and frequented. In this century three years on behalf of the well-known social repression, with the promulgation of the law and police repression, the period of social acceptance of same-sex attraction to an end. economic pressure has forced many men lose their jobs, thus the recovery of heterosexual masculinity accented that may be intolerant of homosexuality afresh one of the causes (Chauncey, 1994).
twenties of the twentieth century, in Germany, produced a movement with sex and has a library and a megalopolis established in Berlin in 1939. the Nazis devastated the megalopolis, scalded the library. Shortly thereafter, the Government enacted laws deterring gay sex, thousands of homosexuals were imprisoned and died in concentration camps (Plant, 1986). Freud the fled Germany during the London harbor. In twenty years, he had signed a application in support of the gay movement, and wrote a well-known, although homosexuality is no benefit to society, but it also mental sense, not a pathological phenomenon.
World War II with the men and women to men and women together in unprecedented numbers. In the United States, the outcome is the so-called homosexuals in the armed forces of washing, has been After the end of the warfare proceeded, and in the fifties and the anti-gay Senator JosephMcCarthy anti-communist movement was further amplified. In this social atmosphere, AlfredKinsey and his assistant in the United States presented their technological research on sexual behavior The first report, found that men experienced a large number of same-sex sexual behavior. their subsequent study found that these experiences also happen in women. These research materials beneath severe criticism, but then gave Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York gay movement invested support. Europe has the same sex campaigns, including Amsterdam and Copenhagen gay movement. the gay weeklies, magazines, personal clubs and public locations together and started accosting the disease-oriented view of homosexual behavior.
In the sixties, the fuse of Gay Rights Movement, a modern gay people from repression to protest, turning from darkness to light.
there is not substantial gay population statistics, merely the learn alternatively sampling for the examine for reference. homosexual population share will be another along apt another estimates of the results, and based aboard the noted psychologist Sigmund Freud Austrian study, every human may have just about the same sexual orientation. So, gay share the true proportion of the population, by far there namely not real response; some heterosexual activists advocating that the ratio namely approximately an per cent apt four per penny from, but this diagram is apparently underestimated the true proportion of homosexuality. counting of In addition, in a different examine,shanghai massage, the experience of merely one gay human; 2 fully defined themselves for homosexual than those who experienced numerous homosexual acts.
According to Freud's psychological research shows that everybody in the community are bisexual Love tendency, therefore, have the same sexual tendencies share the true proportion of the population, the population may be all of society, that is one hundred percent.
But variant famous American sex specialist Alfred. Kinsey in gold Race sexuality report, the United States Thirty seven per masculine had contact with variant male to accomplish altering degrees of happiness; while in another study, the National Survey Center reported that only about one percentage 0.7 of American men calculate they are definitely gay. Many in the U.S. and Europe tend to consider that a promiscuous survey in the past have had sex with the number of experienced folk around 8 percent, and only homosexual experience about two per cent, the people.
Kinsey later, a large number of large-scale cross-cultural survey of the gay population is always displayed for fewer than Kinsey demanded, the survey covered a random sample of tens of thousands of objects . However, memorandum that the report will be different because of the concealment and the tester prejudice.
general, anti-homosexual reference data often show the ratio is one per cent gay, homosexual activists by reference the information is Nearly ten percent.
continuous spectrum of gay and heterosexual people usually, some will have some degree of homosexual affection or temporary. On the contrary, many his own personality as a gay person, or tend to have sex with same-sex sexual relations and the upkeep people, and also maintain sex with the opposite sex, or maintain long-term heterosexual relationships. These remain the same-sex sexual heterosexual practice are usually considered to be male sexual behavior homosexual to heterosexual indeed continuous spectrum of sexual orientation change to assess their sexual orientation, and self-assessment of the results of the respondents and the respondents comprehensive inquiry of the behavior study, Kinsey showed that most people by fewest in some category extent bisexual. Many people will also be attracted to bisexual, notwithstanding usually they prefer a certain gender. Kinsey and his colleagues thus believe that only a few people (five per cent to ten percent) is indeed homosexual or heterosexual. In addition, whether the definition of a bisexual sex favorite does not mate the preferences of the opposite sex more intense, the less people are completely two- homosexuality. While the new study suggests that the Kinsey study may amplify the occurrence of bisexual populations, but his concept of a continuous spectrum but was widely accepted. On the whole, and with their same sex have homosexual behavior, by itself, does not necessarily considered homosexual orientation, but only same-sex sexual behavior. not all the same sex to attract or maintain the relationship between homosexual people themselves as gay, or twice homosexual. Some frequent sex with people still believe that they are heterosexual. Therefore, the distinction between homosexual behavior, homosexual attraction and homosexual self-identification is very important, they are not necessarily the same. For example, in prison, or other gender-segregated context, may reason to the situation in heterosexual sexual behavior, however they are in the appearance environment, heterosexual. Some people busy in homosexual behavior is not based on their sexual orientation or sexual desire, such as prostitutes. They are sometimes young heterosexual men, but they make money through sex with men.
sex with animals, birds and mammals in common, such as monkeys. Some people think that the sexual behavior and male prevailed society organizations and social theory on the jail. homosexual sex, sex with monks,shenzhen escort, military camps homosexual sex, constantly considered the position of non-sexual gay or homosexual, showing a alike Mushi mode bonobo social groups tin also be found in homosexual acts; Australian male dark swans constantly form between two spouse pairs, or with the petticoat composed of 3 families swans breed. between sheep and people male homosexual similar phenomenon, Mar male sheep, a study for male homosexuality in sheep brains and they called a shows the animal with the choice of sexual partners during the time there is a difference based on their brain, not usually considered gender differences in the animals.
probably due to the formation of the retinue aspects:
First, what ingredients on resolve a person's sexual orientation, there are many polemical issues (particularly with regard to environmental and genetic appearances of the argue): whether sexual orientation is innate or earned, are immutable, or optional. Some people think that homosexuality is a knowledge behavior. But others believe that if homosexuality is a learning behavior, he should learn by having homosexual heterosexual sexual arousal, sexual provocation and sexual behavior to change gay orientation, but it is very difficult indeed. They claims must have an innate ingredients make most of the people of the opposite sex have sex. These elements are embodied homosexuals, but homosexuality is one typical example.
Second, the majority of homosexuals are born. in people traditional meditative, In a written records of any country at any time there have been no. Of way, there are some that homosexuality is acquired reversed, these and family affect, social trends associated. The early years of the family influence is quite great. For example, in the army, homosexuality circumstances sometimes occur. social trends will also affect people's sexual orientation. In the West the ancient Greek and Chinese Wei and Jin, appearance-oriented manner of a man's age, that epoch, homosexuality is also the most popular. Kashiwa famous people in ancient Greece Latour, and Socrates, are homosexuals, in their conception, men and young men and women than men, love, love to be magnificent. and be king of the Zhou in ancient China, Warring States Period of the Another example is the period Sui hold the same ride, the Song of the implementation of hand on face,in the system, until the Ming and Qing dynasties over-close relationship between same sex is still common. ancient times this was not strictly jump, it is evolving culture since ancient times, but not now meaning the disease. Moreover, not necessarily gay. Many historians and humanities scholars do not consider this shock of social factors is not as obvious on the surface is so great, but a tolerant society makes it more open to gay, and conservative society are more comrades chose to conceal.
some religious organizations I believe homosexuality is a choice, and provide transition treatment for homosexuals (conversion therapies) to change their sexual orientation, but these therapies by the medical profession and the scientific community criticized because they bring a sense of depression treatment can sometimes lead to suicide or inferiority complicated. American Society of morale has passed a resolution in 1997, said the doctors involved in such treatment would be considered unethical.
usually due to the armed forces to implement more stringent than the social system of gender segregation Therefore, since the ancient time, there are many documented military gay literature, and that the phenomenon of homosexuality within the armed forces is more common than social. the official attitude towards this behavior varies according to country, but it reflects their cultural point of view towards homosexuality. Ancient Greece and the former Japanese military modernization, the traditional patronize for this form of intimacy between men. In ancient Greece there are also special gay army men formed by the common love of the ancient Greek philosopher , people who love each other to get the most closely integrated, to enhance war effectiveness. modern countries, such as the UK, welcomed homosexuals in the military service, but there are like the United States armed forces to homosexuals as a menace. Boy Scout troops emulate suit, and usually reflects the situation of the military treatment of homosexuality. such as the UK for its welcoming attitude, while the United States refused to add Boy Scouts of homosexuals.
a culture of religion in the formation of attitudes towards the issue of homosexuality play an important role. the history of a negative attitude on homosexuality only Abrahamic Education (Abrahamic religions). non-Abrahamic religions generally considered homosexual population is acceptable or independent. But in the beginning of colonialism and imperialism, the scatter of years, many non-Abrahamic religions began to accept this religion hostile to the idea of ​​gay.
religious attitudes about homosexuality are also unlike. Now, the more conservative of the Abrahamic religions (Abrahamic religions) as a teaching homosexuality a sin, and Buddhism, Shinto and other religions put all forms of sex are watched as the interference of the spiritual life, but there is no emphasis on the object of sexual orientation. affected countries by the fundamentalist same-sex relationships are generally considered a variety of sexual distortion, and to penalties. In some areas, homosexual issue inhibition of sodomy. but many adopted the English common law system of the country, the Bill retains the anti-sodomy and executed homosexuals. This has been followed to the late nineteenth century.
the twentieth century, with the gay rights The rise of civil rights as chapter of pan, and academic research on sexual behavior resulting from the emergence of queer studies, production the image of homosexuality seemed in the media, and changed the level of social acceptance of homosexuality.
UK Wo Fendui report (Wolfenden report) is the legalization of homosexuality in Western countries, the turning point. Many Western civilized countries are now on homosexuality or homosexual acts were legalized. a number of European countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany have been allowed to change the statute or same-sex wedding or lawful admission of long-term gay relationship. a digit of countries permit gay couples adopt babies. and openly admit that homosexual, bisexual or homosexual sex in the past has been the number of politicians also on the mushroom. This includes subsidiary of the former British Defense Secretary John Major (John Major), Portillo (Michael Portillo). openly gay politicians in major dimension. Norris is the Irish Senate, and the current and former Irish President Mary. Maia Rees (Mary McAleese ) and Mary. Robinson, the Irish gay law reform movement (Campaign for Homoexual Law Reform), the builder of this union on the legalization of homosexuality in Ireland played one major character in the process.
on legislation and legalization of same-sex sexual behavior and, and same-sex marriage and no sex is gay civil alliance detailed the main objectives of power activists to protect gay couples and families.
recent annuals, some districts have relaxed or eliminated legal discrimination opposition homosexuals, including the sodomy law and legion regulations banning gay.
1951, Bulgaria legalized homosexual acts between adults, Hungary and Czechoslovakia in 1961 passed. in England and Wales, Nineteen sixty seven of the twenty consenting adults over the age of the legalization of homosexual acts, Scotland in 1980 follow-up, Northern Ireland in the 1982 follow-up. age of agree in 1994 from two down the age of 11 to eighteen years of age, and in 2000 in Great Britain and Northern Ireland down to the age of sixteen seventeen years age, so that same-sex sexual age of consent age of consent sexual intercourse with the opposite sex the same.
In the U.S., the trbring ... to an end the June 26, 2003 reached a pinnacle while the U.S. Supreme Court in Lawrence vs. Texas ruling that the United States Constitution states the two adults in private , non-commercial activities (including same-sex sexual activity) allow for the crime is unconstitutional. and the abolition of the country's sodomy laws.
in the PRC, the provisions of homosexuality as a crime, but in 1996 there had been before the nefarious law in accordance with The new murderer law by rogue elements of the crime to give a more explicit explanation, which does not include homosexual sex, homosexuality in the People's Republic of root that has been completely decriminalized. But because most Chinese people are homosexual behavior still holds repellent viewpoint, and there is no law expressly declared to defend the legitimate rights of homosexuals, so homosexuality in society is still subject to a certain degree of discrimination and suppression, but the general public (particularly the younger generation) the viewpoint of the general trend towards homosexuality is more tolerant.
However, the trend of these countries are not all countries in the world the same, in some countries, homosexuality is still considered a crime. At present, more does not accept homosexuality and chief punishment and imprisonment nation, widely dispensed in the Muslim areas of Africa, West Asia and South Asia and additional regions, including imprisonment, including in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Singapore, Uganda, French Guiana, and the necrosis penalty more caustic, including in Afghanistan, Iran , Pakistan, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, in these countries will still be sentenced to capital punishment, and the most extreme sample.
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