Wednesday, April 27, 2011

as causativeable path

October 2005, Liaoning provincial government was held in Jinzhou, again western Liaoning Jinzhou Bay Coastal Economic Zone as the province's 12 preferential policies, so that the overall development of Jinzhou Bay in the old industrial base and a large open coastal backdrop, way to significant new opportunities.
Northeast Great Thoughts series of reports of the development of Jinzhou Bay, a fourth
the revitalization of Liaoning Jinzhou Bay as a strategic pawn
the northernmost deep-water asylum in China, has been in a relatively closed state in October .2005, Liaoning provincial administration held a made the implementation of the development of Jinzhou Bay, opening up a new fulcrum of Liaoning to build a major determination. The next day, a lecture entitled Agreement Hong Kong's integration and Panjin, Liaoning province in prefer of promoting regional economic coordination among the development, help the age industrial base of the overall revitalization. five cities in western Liaoning Jinzhou Bay should be developed via in-depth implementation of strategies to promote one group of coastal cities in western Liaoning of consensus and expand influence in western Liaoning coastal city group to form a new pattern of opening up in western Liaoning. Jinzhou, Huludao, should accelerate the construction of western Liaoning Panjin group of coastal cities, the formation of closer economic knots, promote the development of western Liaoning. Fuxin, Chaoyang should strengthen the open awareness initiative to combine the Bohai Bay development and construction, speed up the export-oriented economic system.

emancipating the mind and the overall development of western Liaoning Jinzhou Bay Coastal although, notwithstanding there are group of coastal cities, but not to good use of national coastal policy. the result that Liaoxi Corridor into an into two and one percentage. In the paucity of the concept of coastal cities and musing, leading to the planning and construction in five cities in western Liaoning, economic distribution, a general lack of cultural awareness synonymous.
fact, connecting Beijing, Tianjin is located in western Liaoning and the northeast strangle, the Bohai Sea is an important part of the economic zone, has manifest geographical advantages and development potential. in the region by rail, highways, ports, airports, pipelines and other modern three-dimensional transport facilities, greatly reducing the distance between the five cities, closer economic ties between the cities for the Jinzhou Bay into the national economy and the global economy, to achieve leapfrog development has laid a solid foundation Jinzhou Bay for the integration and development, integration has created favorable conditions. Jinzhou, Huludao, three coastal cities of Panjin and Xingcheng, Linghai two county-level cities, forming a adore for the sea's .
the overall revitalization of Liaoning Province in western Liaoning difficulties, the focus in the western Liaoning Province, also in the new economic growth point in western Liaoning. This has been a general consensus of people in Liaoning. Liaoning provincial government's and breakthrough in the revitalization of western Liaoning. implementation of the Jinzhou Bay development strategy is to uphold the overall planning, resource integration, infrastructure sharing, cooperation and win-win and improve the overall competitiveness of western Liaoning Province, to achieve the rise in western Liaoning.
We believe that the strategic significance of the development of Jinzhou Bay that is,toronto escorts, coastal resources, coastal areas is the advantage. The proposal of the concept, the concept is a revolutionary breakthrough in the traditional western Liaoning Province, is a statute of regional economic development in western Liaoning, strategic awareness. development of Jinzhou Bay, method that this helicopter carries too much western Liaoning awareness of inland chariot, bid farewell to the strong intricate of land and began marching to the sea. Jinzhou Bay development as a leader, to scale up the construction group of coastal cities in western Liaoning, has given new meaning to the revitalization of western Liaoning. recommended five cities in western Liaoning Province in Northeast Asia economic standing a tall degree of cooperation, regional distribution of the lofty degree of national standing, standing on the revitalization of Liaoning, northeast regional economic development as well as the altitude, standing on the Bohai Economic Rim highly integrated, the coastal open position, in the entirely open to re-examine their own vision advantages for development.
in the research process we clearly recognize that the obstacles facing the development of many of Jinzhou Bay, the biggest obstacle is the ideas behind. subject to the impact of the current system, neglected area in the development process overall amuse of Restricting , beggar thy adjoin stereotypes still exist; the traditional concept of western Liaoning Province, ignoring the coastal edge in western Liaoning, inland mountain awareness, sense of closure remains conservative; affected by the planned economy, and other formalities, but by superior support for the policy to a higher level of thinking course still exists. these backward ideas and concepts is the development of Jinzhou Bay, a stumbling block to accelerate the development of western Liaoning. Our study shows that the above-mentioned development of the regional coordination problems, most are available from the level of institutional mechanisms detect out why. could be argued that the development of Jinzhou Bay, a fundamental obstacle is encountered institutional mechanisms. in particular in: coordinating mechanism is not perfect, enterprise system, market mechanisms and government management system uncoordinated, redundant government intervention in micro-economic activities, as factors of production flow and business barriers to trans-regional development; the market mechanism is not perfect,hear apt the pastoral mildly, administrative Regional Relations disabling alternatively even replace the market of Regional Relations,toronto escort, the local administrative body over the pursuance of maximizing their own interests, leading to optimal allocation of resources and economic integration is difficult implementation; cooperation mechanism is not perfect, shredded, local blockade, the lack of coordination with economic development with the mechanism.
institutional mechanisms to address these issues, implementation of the development strategy of Jinzhou Bay, we must emancipate our minds, new ideas, to accustom to the socialist market economy the new situation, and establish integrated awareness, break the barriers of administrative divisions, integration planning, integration, integration, development, and form a unified, all-round development of open pattern; establish market awareness, market allocation of resources to play a fundamental role, through the The establishment of the regional unified market, sharing resources, mutual benefit; foster awareness of coastal and open awareness to break through increase the focus of reform efforts, and innovative institutional mechanisms to promote the formation of regional mutual, complementary institutional mechanisms. To this end, we put amenable three proposals: First, to improve the market mechanism and cooperation mechanism, breaking the regional blockade, according to the region the city's comparative advantage and comparative advantage, complementary factors of production to maximize the advantages of the region as a whole; the second is the efficient integration of resources and rational allocation of resources, strengthen the interaction, do a good job of supporting industries to form a cluster efficacy; third is to balance the Fang Liyi, through division of fatigue to achieve and operational consistency, enhance the overall competitiveness.
highlighted is the need to develop and promote the Jinzhou Bay in western Liaoning coastal city group integration point to accurate the same each other. development of Jinzhou Bay in western Liaoning coastal city of broadened base area and depth of integration, strengthening the integration of the fastening, but also ensure the integration and accelerate the development process of Jinzhou Bay, the implementation of the development of specific measures. there is not overall strategy development, the integration process will be compelled for of lack of of the slow, cooperative level will also be superficial; and not to accelerate the integration process, the development will become a mere formality.
five brothers and one idea to promote the Integrated
dependent export-oriented economy in western Liaoning low, economic development is lagging behind. Jinzhou, Huludao, Panjin, Fuxin, Chaoyang five cities combined was merely 125 billion yuan of GDP, merely also keep up with a metropolis of Dalian (1950 million). Five Cities absence to comprehend the position, unity to subserve the integration of western Liaoning coastal city team. only to promote the integration of urban agglomeration tin be achieved inspire trust in the revitalization of western Liaoning own. Our study shows that the key factor in the formation of economic zones is the Industrial Structure, and only a comparable approximate of the industrial structure in mandate to have the possibility to form a unified economic zones. Meanwhile, the Industrial Structure of circumstance, only the formation of a unified economic divisions in order to discourage the industry brought approximately the vicious rivalry with the structure caused by the lose-lose, win-win location to achieve win-win. Liaoxi five cities mountains and rivers, the assembly of cultural resources, industrial structure is similar to the integration of a solitary integrated development advantage. principally the Jinzhou, Panjin Huludao and three cities have an industrial economy as the leading industry; in the industrial economy, they must petrochemical-based. in the mart economy, economic development, downplay the inherent requirements of the five cities the inevitable tension reinforced by the executive division between the economic regionalization. from the policy class to think, enhance poised regional development, economic integration has convert an inevitable trend, newly loosened national To promote balanced regional development integration of resources, reinforce coordination, and build cooperation in the rivalry, in cooperation and win-win notion. We are very pleased to penetrate that cities of Jinzhou and Huludao Planning Board in a unified planning and equity policy, complementary advantages, the rule of win-win cooperation attach to build the development of Jinzhou Bay, a joint conference system of regional cooperation among the two cities of major urban planning issues. This is a trend worthy of recognition, in the present group of coastal cities to promote the integration of western Liaoning conditions have been met, the case is mellow , proposed establishing five cities in western Liaoning Province, , complement each other, concentrating a superior advantages of variable dispersion, set a single advantage for the group advantage of the potential advantages into real advantages, arrow, wide-ranging, multi-level interaction pattern of development. It should be tensioned that the five cities from the country and western Liaoning the overall situation of the province, a mysterious understanding of the coastal city in western Liaoning group to accelerate the integration of science and the magnitude of a roomy ideological consensus, focus on practical work in planning the overall development of western Liaoning Province, in western Liaoning coastal city to ensure the smooth progress of Integration . promote the integration of western Liaoning coastal city group, five cities in western Liaoning Province should make planning, Waiyinneilian, communication resources, assured interaction, strengthen policy support, cultivate the cadre performance evaluation mechanisms, institutions make greater exertions in five aspects of innovation. In particular, should reinforce the mall as a correlate to regional cooperation, establish a clear development of fancies, overall planning and goals, to more and more building a unified regional market system.
In addition, the integration of economic development is the basis of coastal cities to speed up the most fundamental of Integration provided that the five cities in western Liaoning Province to accelerate its development. not the individual's economic development, integration is difficult to complete. only in the cities reach a certain level of economic development while the unity of the joint can become a reality. Based on this, we propose five City to further emancipate the mind, a sense of urgency into the development policy into action, to accelerate their development in the build integration on the foundation of the concept of integrated development in the conditions already have started the field of collaboration.
accelerate coastal western Liaoning Integration of the city is to promote the coordinated development of regional specific embodiment of the overall revitalization of old industrial base of important initiatives. We eminent in the research process, not long antecedent, the provincial government formally issued a expanding opening up a digit of policy views. concern is that the cornered over to the province's value-added tariff, business tax, enterprise earnings tax, private income tax and attribute taxes, the provincial financial ministry will provide 100% of the incremental return from the The gold content is cozy to see the full policy, Liaoning implementation of the complementarity, and promote the full flow of production factors within the region to promote the integration of western Liaoning coastal city group.
was no without concern that the group of coastal cities to promote integration of western Liaoning, is easier said than done. In our view, complicated to difficult in the administrative barriers, the abacus. maximize their own interests in the face of total economic output in various cities regard the increase at the outset the increase of fiscal revenue. Therefore, to promote economic cooperation is inevitable in hardly ever brilliant, this is an indisputable truth. In addition, to promote the integration of western Liaoning Province and the need to establish institutional mechanisms of science, and this process is long. In this regard, western Liaoning five municipalities must have a clear understanding, tread by tread in the process of cooperation persevere, work slow and steady ideas. First, it should interaction, cooperation and development, including the establishment of a market system, system of cooperation and mutual assistance mechanisms, support machinery. and then is the same piece, including planning, transport differ network, share information, industry simultaneously, the market with the body, travel the same line the environment on the true averaging of Tongzhi integration. We feel the Northeast during the most research is the development of regional economy is not paint a surround and depart it, not recede. The Government should consider building a long-term cooperation mechanism, for causativeable route, and promote the formation of regional cooperation mechanisms to eliminate the negative impact of local protectionism, economic integration system, build a nice platform for a single conquer from the competition to win-win paradigm shift.
large coastal open port speed drive
the development of regional economy in western Liaoning, the key lies in opening up coastal areas to play the leading role, of special note, the basic role of Jinzhou Bay port. to all kinds of good port of factors of production by home and overseas gathered to promote the coastal economy and the rapid development of port industry. For Jinzhou Bay development, port construction is the kernel content, the first answer is to build portfolio of Jinzhou Bay, Hong Kong, to create a strategic platform for the development of Jinzhou Bay. We memorandum that the subsistence of Jinzhou Port of Jinzhou Bay, Hong Kong Huludao port and three ports in Panjin Port of Jinzhou Bay, establishing levels of joint treatment body, the development of Jinzhou Bay Port resource planning and development planning, scientific elucidation of the port function, the reasonable allocation of port resources, improve communication network in Hong Kong ***, Jinzhou Bay Coastal Highway planning and construction, and actively promote the city of Jinzhou Bay group of expressway construction, build up the port railways system, ports accumulation and distribution to eliminate Panjin the pace of overall development in Hong Kong, integration, integration of development, so as soon as Yiduntaigang Jinzhou Port, Jinzhou Bay became the focal point and regional economic center.
Jinzhou as the State Council for the first coastal open cities , position conveniences. Sun Yat-sen in his architecture strategy had envisaged that the Jinzhou Bay in western Liaoning Province to build a the largest port in western Liaoning throughput, throughput of 30.03 million tons at 2005, 20 million TEU containers. In the first quarter, Jinzhou Port to achieve throughput of 7.514 million tons and receptacle throughput persisted to heave even extra, to 74,021 TEUs , an boost of 63.3%. It is reported that by far, Jinzhou Port has approached 16 fruitful berths, the main outlet base breadth of 15 tons. high-profile Jinzhou Port 25 million tons of fuel harbor project has been completed trial product for the to build fuel port in northern China, mansion the national oil reserve bases in chemical production, processing and institution of conducive conditions. Meanwhile, the development of Jinzhou Port has also led to the port of economic and social development. regional industrial bottom from scratch, from weak to strong, the formation of a new port industrial center, as a new growth industry of Jinzhou pole.
It is understood that the total output of merchandise Jinzhou Port of Jinzhou City, only accounted for 10%, while the share of the surrounding cities and the hinterland of more than 80%. Through this data we can see, Jinzhou Port to the hinterland of the role in boosting the economy is growing. proposed, Jinzhou Port anchorage, navigation systems, port facilities management and the implementation of five Central Fishing Port of Jinzhou City share. At the same time, accelerate the Jinzhou port, the pace of integration Huludao Hong Kong, and actively promote the cities in western Liaoning and other forms of investment in port construction shares. We understand to Jinzhou Jinzhou Port is planning to the core, enhance the Jinzhou city as a regional center service radiation function. in accordance with the plan of Jinzhou, berths 14. Bohai important container into the basic port and oil, minerals, grain and other majority cargo distribution centers; accelerate the development of logistics parks, and built one of the province's three major logistics base; stronger, give priority to high-tech enterprises and modern logistics as the main port economy, as well as driving Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay, a major export-oriented growth poles of economic development. By 2015, the port throughput of tons, surpassed 1.8 million TEU containers, the Jinzhou port into a developed the shipping market, many domestic paths, hub of alien trade port.
We believe that in the groups and the general hinterland economic development, improve the capability of the port distribution, speed up construction of port infrastructure. In particular, the concept of port resources to establish a commerce, work to market delivery of resources, multi-channel financing, construction commerce in Hong Kong more than the road, rapidly expand port scale and improve the port functions. depending on the port to develop port economy, production the city as well as driving the development of export-oriented economy in western Liaoning important growth. Our study shows that the coastal city in western Liaoning Jinzhou To the Process of Integration to other Municipalities good service, strategic entry point is the construction of Jinzhou port. only the construction of Jinzhou port, in order to maximize services to western Liaoning Province, Mongolia and even the wider hinterland of the East. In this sense, for the Jinzhou Jinzhou Port, it is not only a port, it is a material of the chief area of ​​sustainable development. recommended Jinzhou port infrastructure in line with the principles of proper advance of scientific amendment of the port development plan, bigger port size, and actively promote the development of the western coastline, often enhance the port function.
required to say that the fusion of western Liaoning Province in the building, when in Hong Kong should pay attention to co-ordinate the development of coastal and hinterland, construction, port industrial zone. Jinzhou Bay hinterland to the port for the carrier to actively develop domestic and international , the hinterland of the port to make use of advantages of the industrial structure to expand services, to the hinterland and the coastal ports of economic interaction, and gradually form integrated development of the situation. In counting, the development of equipment manufacturing, metallurgy, petrochemical and other massive industry and port development in Jinzhou Bay Organic combine positive push closer to the beach, set to assist build five cities of Jinzhou Bay Harbor Industrial zone, to develop advanced manufacturing and export processing industries, the formation of the regional economy of scale in western Liaoning industrial clusters.
the first to destroy the lead to do Jinzhou sheep
regional economic development needs to have a central city, the city in total, location, industry, services, personnel, infrastructure and other aspects of an advantage, especially ports and airports have on the nigh cities with a strong radiation function and leading role. from the global perspective of seeing, Jinzhou Petrochemical industry base, port construction beginning to take shape, its own history and cultural heritage have certain advantages, but also five cities in western Liaoning information, resources, transmission, communication and exchange of technology, strategic entry point to . either geographically and resource employers, or the economic base and their own strength, in five cities in western Liaoning Jinzhou highlight the advantages, have become the central city of Jinzhou Bay and Jinzhou Bay city group center. In other words, western Liaoning Province in the naught other than the non-Jinzhou.
from the spatial location of view, is located in Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay Regional Center, and other cities around the formation of a was appointed as center, pedagogy, technology, health resources, also ranks first in western Liaoning. by Tong Chi Wushu Ji's words, Jinzhou efforts to achieve the first breakthrough in building a coastal city in western Liaoning group of regional central cities, is based on a comprehensive grab of the situation in Jinzhou City, the intellectual orientation , is to enhance the overall competitiveness of the regional reality of the needs of the rise of western Liaoning Province is to achieve the scientific path.
in accordance with the Liaoning provincial government's the disability. we have acquired, the current value of less than 400 Jinzhou GDP billion, and domestic central city GDP to reach 1,000 billion standard there is a massive gap. In addition, port construction, the inconsistency between Jinzhou and Dalian are also large. For this cause, beyond implementation of the industry set up city of Jinzhou is to accustomed, affecting the three strategic opening. At present, the city has initially established the oil industry, new materials, agricultural product processing industry as the support of three advantages to electronic information products, auto parts two emerging industries as the governor of the industrial system. Over the elapse 5 years, Jinzhou from 7.27 billion yuan of industrial added merit increased to 15.7 billion yuan, the industrial development of the city's economy has gradually become the spine of power. Also, function and improve urban centers, has been formed network of sea and ventilation transport interchange.
Jinzhou as an important city in western Liaoning, should create a regional economic navel and center of the city, promote integrated development of western Liaoning coastal city group, for the rise of western Liaoning Province, Liaoning and even the entire revitalization of the province, is of great strategic significance. We believe that the first breakthrough in Jinzhou, should rely on the port and more and more the city's development. On the 1 hand, and Dalian Jinzhou Port to international shipping center of Northeast Asia dislocation development, making inter-district, interval transit center . On the other hand, services and manufacturing to complement each other. Services to melodrama a leadership role in the integration. In addition, five cities in western Liaoning Jinzhou should work together to build a central city, to further expand its affect, to play its leading role. As center of Jinzhou, will have to accelerate its construction, and resolutely implement behind and gradually adult central city, sub-developed satellite cities and underdeveloped areas of the echelon of the development.
we have formed a consensus that the first breakthrough in Jinzhou to form a series of favorable connection effects: leaps and bounds in western Liaoning chose as a breakthrough development in Jinzhou Bay; Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay development alternatives lead in the development as a breakthrough; Jinzhou Jinzhou Port as a strategic development adoptions breakthrough and the starting point. information available from our outlook, if you want to achieve leapfrog development in Jinzhou port is the most beneficial strategic resources, is rapidly expanding opening Jinzhou thaw into the universal economy, the most favorable conditions, is to enhance the overall strength of the city's economy and build the core of the regional central cities, is to enhance the comprehensive service functions of Jinzhou an important basis. Jinzhou continue in-depth implementation of the proposed industrial up the city, to habit, open affects three major strategies, in accordance with the construction, integration, development, and create a strategic platform for the development of Jinzhou Bay, the maritime economy and land to achieve economic co-ordination and linkage development.
Jinzhou Bay in the evolution of strategies apt achieve the first discovery, Jinzhou Gongyelishi must achieve the first breakthrough as a the first strategy. Industrial Jinzhou is to achieve the first breakthrough in the manufacture advocate, the Port of Jinzhou namely to achieve the first breakthrough in the evolution platform, open the first breakthrough in Jinzhou is refreshed intrinsic motivation. We propose to big petrochemicals, fashionable substances, agricultural productions processing 3 dominant industries, to amplify automotive components and electronic information productions to build 2 new industries, transform and upgrade mechanism and equipment manufacturing, electricity, medication, textile and additional traditional industries, so as Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay industrial urban centers. We believe that the evolution of Jinzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone of Jinzhou Bay, a strategic converge. After annuals of construction and development, Jinzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone has taken shape of agricultural products, petroleum chemical manufacture, car parts fabrication, bio- new creating substances industry, pharmaceutical industry and additional new industry architecture. Jinzhou Bay in the background of the development, should make full use of state-level development zones related policies to achieve the policy and brand share, hasten the construction of citizen development areas and bonded logistics parks, backup processing Area pace, creating place without fee, zero fare space, to carry out mutual pilot port, the general planning, and distend development into Jinzhou Bay, an major regional economic growth pole and radiation sources. to invest conservation as the development of Jinzhou Bay.
development of Jinzhou Bay is a major strategy, is a big plan. integration, integration, development of Jinzhou Bay depicts the grand blueprint for the hereafter. We have reason to believe that with the development of Jinzhou Wan Kam-depth implementation of the strategy, the district Liaoning will become a new economic order of growth, as the Bohai economic circle of the most dynamic economic zone open.
(Note: This treatise was completed on May 15, 2006, June 12,

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