Wednesday, April 27, 2011

if only control

Grams of the natural enemies of biological phase is to nourish the ecological balance of nature. As the city grew, and I in this adore is the absence of perceptual wisdom. Yesterday saw BTV outlet to explore science and schooling section of the pertinent reports, caught my interest.
reports almost the Hainan, talking about the coconut trees, now preoccupied me. youngster, I had a generous chart cloth needlework, pattern is Hainan scenery, coconut trees and the sea, it is the place fascinated me. However, in 2002 Hainan's palm began to undergo a disaster, specialists say, if necessary control, and prevention, Hainan coconut tree will have entire the hazard of necrosis.
malefactor in this disaster is the coconut leaf beetle. It is parasitic in the coconut, eat the new leaves grow, to be shriveled age leaves and current leaf while they are eaten, the tree died. By 2005, more than half of Haikou City, has been against the palm trees. As the growth of coconut in the coconut leaf beetle Center , at the means of spraying pesticides, with tiny success. watch palm face extinction, forestry experts anxious. Even I love the palm of people who have begun to worry lit.
Do no worry, Hainan Forestry Expert reference to overseas experience, respectively, from Vietnam and Taiwan, the presentation of the coconut leaf beetle's natural enemies wasp and Tetrastichus bee, its ward, and have effected good results, the forcible control of pests and diseases spread. It turned out that wasp and Nie wasp eggs, larva, pupa phase are in the coconut leaf beetle pupae spend, they are in the growth process to be eaten coconut leaf beetle pupae and insects, and they only grow in the coconut leaf beetle, does not have additional biological hazards. < br> Discover the wizardry and amusement science, merely also send commerce opportunities to companies. Foreign companies have specialized natural enemies, the introduction of nice varieties of salutary insects countries to raise training, re-export to other countries. It is in the absnece ofvestment quick assembly, and environmental pollution fewer. if Australians imported from the United States a number of natural enemies of the Argentine cactus moth eats. They devour a few annuals period, the 2.5 million hectares of cactus naught left to eat.
if people beings do have natural enemies? example some people say: man's natural antagonist is a woman. That, in corner,toronto escort, tin be said that a woman's normal enemy is male. even look an amusing argument: 3 natural enemies annihilating the good adore, that is, low self-esteem, self-centered, possessive. The weakness of human ecology natural enemies of love.
if we can in a silence view of science to the opposed, human beings natural enemy > related to humans, other organisms can not be as silence as the face of nature,1.2 kid meters free of charge, enjoy exploring the natural enemies in the venture and fun. enemies of human beings,toronto escorts, so many people into chaos, perplexity. Strictly speaking, to describe human beings with the natural enemies of some contradictions and conflicts are not fitting. but periodically, so think, can help us arrange out our meditative, from the mud to bring ... to an end bravely to face the interdependent.

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