Sunday, April 24, 2011

equitable for in 1991 -1992 El Niño event

Polar meteorology: comprehending global
March 23 every year, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and its 187 Member States and the multinational meteorological community celebrate World Meteorological Day attach. The establishment of WMO World Meteorological Day to jot the 1950 Convention forcible the same day so that the birth of the World Meteorological Organization. Then in 1951, WMO is recognized as a specialized agent of the United Nations system.
early as 2005, the 57th WMO Executive Board to determine the 2007 World Meteorological Day The theme is them. In order to ensure that researchers in the summer and winter to work in the polar regions, IPY will be in March 2007 in truth persisted until March 2009. IPY elementary conception is that a great number of internationally coordinated, multidisciplinary and focused on Earth's polar regions and far-reaching global impact of research and reconnaissance activities.
recent years, many older historical importance of the polar climate and environment and rouse people's interest, as these regions have traditionally carries the WMO, as well as its predecessor, Meteorological Organization (IMO) .1879 many important activities, the International Polar Year, the concept of the Second World Meteorological Congress recognized and implemented in 1882-1883. The Second International Polar Year, also sponsored by the IMO in implementation in 1932-1933. The first and second IPY's success has brought a wider range of the International Geophysical Year of deliberation, the range of activities also stretch to lower latitudes, not just distinct International Polar Year. International Geophysical Year (IGY) was born from July 1, 1957 continue until December 31, 1958, 67 countries connect 80,000 scientists, carried out extensive scientific research.
by national meteorological and hydrological creations (NMHS) and other agencies of Member States, WMO's IPY in the fashionable period for the polar meteorology, oceanography, glaciology and hydrology and other fields of technological research and observations to make a substantial contribution. IPY Another important content and WMO's space program-related. In the end, IPY science and business results, via the establishment of comprehensive databases of scientific learning and authorization to assure namely environmental monitoring and climate anticipating systems, including intense the beyond promotion of the project benefited from a digit of WMO. Moreover, the Polar Year will too appraise the shock of weather change and its provision of expensive message, primarily if during the IPY observing networks built alternatively amended to nourish primarily while a number of years.
taking into account the field of meteorological observations, polar be the most sparse area. Therefore, greater dependence on the polar orbiting meteorological satellites. These areas are mostly in the early satellite data apparent and infrared imagery, but in recent years, vigorous and passive microwave instruments can be more different varieties of productions , in particular, even in atmospheric atmospheric conditions also have way to silhouettes of temperature and humidity, and air, sea ice amplitude and density and other parameters. In appending, the relating lack of field observations have been put through the auto weather station, fixed or floating in the sea Ice buoy stations were repaid.
Although most of the polar regions generally stay away from populated areas, but these areas also need authentic weather forecasts. in the Arctic circuit, to protect local ecological communities, and patronize operations at sea and oil and gas evolution and creation forecasts are necessitated. In the Antarctic, the complex ventilation and sea logistics and scientific and scientific research projects and expanding the tourism industry needs a authentic forecast. the polar regions weather likened with non-polar regions, there are some distinctive challenges. But in recent years with the observation systems and improvements in numerical weather prognosis, weather forecasting techniques, including the polar regions have fulfilled significant improvement.
the elapse decades, important changes in the polar environment, such as permanent sea ice in reducing the number of glaciers and melting permafrost, and river and lake ice in the reduction and so on. these changes more manifest in the Arctic than the Antarctic, has been a large number of research topics .2001 WMO co-sponsored by the Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change (IPCC ) by the third appraisal report, the global average surface temperature additional by approximately the 20th century 0.6.C. report further estimates that in 1990-2100 the average global surface temperatures would mushroom 1.4 to 5.8oC. In short, IPCC estimates In 2100, sea levels will rise 9 到 88 cm, which will give the small isle developing States, and more serious global problem of low-lying areas. Currently, IPCC Fourth Assessment Report is creature arranged, the report will be published in 2007.
shortening sea ice could lead to solemn changes in the sailor ecosystem, thereby affecting the marine mammals, a significant reduction in the numerous seabirds, seals and whales provide edible for krill. permafrost is also acute to atmospheric long-term warming Therefore, may occur in the Arctic the melting of frozen floor, meantime inflating wetlands, architectures and other facilities may cause solemn harm. The blend of permafrost by releasing the occupied methane, 1 of the main greenhouse gas carbon cycling effects.
stratospheric ozone floor is an important gas, it absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation and thus protects the biosphere. IGY in the 1957-1958 time, the premier time in Antarctica by ground-based instruments because airy ozone were scrutinized. Since the mid-1970s, late winter in the southern hemisphere ozone detected erratic location detected continuous annual of ozone amounts ​​continue to decline until the spring warming the stratosphere. Therefore, the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole namely an momentous outcome of IGY. It was finally resolved ; hole Before the mid-latitudes of the centenary in the ozone layer ambition return to regular, the principles of the Antarctic ozone revitalization absence apt be joined 15 years.
merely important learn of polar weather may be extra in the local sense, tin no be overemphasized pole space aboard the global climate system in general and fundamental of. high-latitude changes can, and absolutely of always ecosystems and people society had an important impact in entire appearances, regardless of geographic latitude. Therefore, the impact of polar meteorology must be in the maximum roomy be thought against the background.
There are numerous examples of polar issues of globalization. For example, polar ice hat constitutes an effective heat in the ongoing global sea circulation melodramas an important character. and the polar regions is to determine the global climate system of the aboriginal ingredients, the main driver of solar energy received in the lower latitudes. In general, the energy of the equator throughout the year to receive the polar regions is about 5 times, great atmosphere and ocean temperature gradient to transmit energy to the polar districts. Thus, the polar regions and the Earth other portions of the climate system based on atmospheric and ocean propagation, a rather intricate course correlated.
n El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the casualty of large fluctuations in the tropical Pacific, it is with the east Pacific sea surface temperatures in the intermittent changes together. in fact is a big climate ENSO cycle can influence areas a grain of truth the Pacific Ocean. statistical testify that, for example in some parts of Africa, ENSO can cause changes in yearly precipitation or drought, as follows in 1991 -1992 El Niño event, a devastating famine caused by drought threatens 1800 million people. This relationship among.
2007-2008 International Polar Year will accordingly be faced with firm or indirectly related with the polar broader physical, biological and social problems. observed changes in polar regions the urgency and complexity of of the need for a explicit and comprehensive research usage. In this landmark scientific activities, reinforce international cooperation and open collaboration will undoubtedly influence and promote the unlimited data access and cross-disciplinary research. through the colorful activities, IPY will also greatly subserve the local public access and learning scientific knowledge. At the same time, most attention is the fact that from the polar regions affect global climate system in general is important, so a lot of exploration in the lofty latitudes Changes to the will of all communities (regardless of their geographic latitude) and has important implications for sustainable development.
meteorological science has not frames is considered an example of the principle of polar weather may be the final model . Therefore, when the international meteorological community celebrate World Meteorological Day 2007, I hope that all members of the World Meteorological Organization recognized the importance of polar meteorology and the country life, security and boom of the potential global impact. and I also look inward to the International Polar Year will permit us to further understanding of climate variability and climate change, applied to a diversity of practice to better residence 21st century challenges facing some of the key.

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