Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. Those who a standing ovation the same sex, sexuality or desire is, as homosexuals. Homosexuality is periodically used to describe homosexual acts, regardless of the participant's sexual orientation. Some people think that homosexuality is a modern notions, in different times have different meanings, is not instantly correspond to the modern ; gay years, they no longer deem that homosexuality is a mental illness, it would be removed from the psychiatric handbook. April 20, 2001, in a very careful elucidation of homosexuality, homosexual sexual activity is not necessarily a psychological abnormality. Thus, homosexuality is no longer classified as a pathological system. no longer regard homosexuality as a unhealthy intellect, this is a tread ahead in Chinese society. the modern spoken language, often use the word gay, the use of ; fluttering. the signification of the elemental definition is not gay; his wife. In Chinese called homosexuals (from the Lesbian homonym). nineties the nineteenth century, found in Taiwan writer Qiu Miaojin lesbian novel gay civilization in Taiwan, the term is more common terms masculine, lusty body type, but with petticoat qualities or shrewd movements and motifs gay. In addition, as the lesbian (also known as l ordinary Gege r), . Generally speaking, the difference is not obvious and not really defined. other there, Oscar, the . nineteenth century, the German Empire promulgated a new constitution to require same-sex sexual behavior in men who sentenced to one year to four years imprisonment. Karl Maria Kertbeny bombarded the lyricist and to withstand the verdict, and for the premier time create the word have been used to replace the then widely used derogatory rape, ache heterosexual offenses better. Kertbeny hope that his new words and the interpretation of the word can repeal the new German Empire, the First 百 seventy-five aid. However, the law is still in the 1871 story adopted and implemented, 6 years later, a Nazi massacre of homosexual law the administration sources.
However, the German psychiatrist, Ai Bin (Richard von Krafft-Ebing) and other doctors to accept the word, it would be used as diagnostic usages in pathology.
the word language prelude use.
With the emergence and evolution of psychology, homosexual became a clinical study of medicine has been used to refer to a cerebral illness called. in the American Psychiatric Association in 1974 from a mental illness will be homosexual catalogue before deleting, homosexual term has been considered to be a homosexual nature of the words with the scandal. Therefore, the Western homosexuals rarely use the word to call themselves homosexual, and homosexual sex.
the so-called homophobia ailment (Homophobia) is on clutch gay bias,toronto escorts, discrimination,guangzhou escort, detest homosexuality as a mental. 1972 George Weinberg in tainted relations. May 19, 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) of homosexuality from the psychiatric register, a French scholar Louis-Georges Tin then launched on May 17 each year as the International Day Against Homophobia (International Day against Homophobia , referred to IDAHO) to decrease discrimination against homosexuals.
later, gay conceal the language that became fashionable, and by the recognition of homosexuals as a extra appropriate term homosexuality a cry. English word gay, this manner feel merry, begin using the word gay as his own label, as distinct from the pathological and clinical terms are warmhearted accustomed homosexual. to the sixties of the twentieth centenary to the seventies, the United States urged the gay community and playback of assorted medium involved in reporting replaced with the information gay gay homosexual, as a response, gay medium, the term began to be adopted and accustomed. But in truth, this is a quite long process, such as until 1989, the U.S. fashion middles, one of the Times The label of a Greek isle Lesbos (Lai Sibo Island). the isle in the Aegean Sea in northwestern Turkey, approach the beach, multi-Rock Hill, is an important Aeolian people live. When the seventh centenary BC , Lai Sibo Island is famous for its lyrical poets, these poets, the most famous lesbian poet Sappho is (Sappho). Lesbian This method people alive in the island, but since Sappho later, Lesbian this words started to have a new comment. nineteenth centenary, the medical community began to refer to and use of lesbian Sappho women have the same sexual orientation. Since then, lesbian women began to comprise the averaging of homosexuality, and was warmhearted secondhand up.
There are some ancient Chinese records of the eclipse of homosexuality. For example: narrated to the extreme. nightmare, Jia has a similar homosexual behavior. Han Zi Gao and Chen Wendi Chen Qian (Sin of the traditional characters) is also known to each other. Chen Wendi men who have Korean child raised queen lofty, then the end was not successful. unofficial Korean high-called sub- Chen Zi high, is the cap of the surname Chen Qian.
ordinarily thought same-sex sexual narratives is common in antique Greece. But KJ Dover (KJ Dover) pointed out that such a relationship does not replace marriage between men and women, but occurs before or together. a young male, adult male will have a fellow, he would transform a , who was eager to be loved that is no appropriate, because he has not masculine. driven at the lust and adore, adore and selfless devotion of entire those who will be required for the boom of the darling community training. (Greek Homosexuality, KJ Dover, 1979 年, Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd, London)
in Benkert before the creation of this medical term, homosexual sex is doomed as evil Christian Church, and in some European countries, including Britain, were unauthorized . In some cases, men will be caged because it involved homosexual acts, like a hundred years ago the British Academy. Wilde's famous case. Westerners crime about sex with the principle dates behind to the twelfth century. Yale University of the famous historian Boswell found that homosexuals whether religious or secular society. , p. 334). XIII and XIV century is a heresy is not tolerant of whichever age, including non-Christian crusade Crusades, the exclusion of Jews, and the hazardous elements being of people suspected of growing indiscriminate repression. Boswell eminent that the performance of such intolerance affects the afterward few centuries of European society. Foucault (1979) in his Government and the medical profession's legislature, the condemnation of homosexuality from the religious to the secular society and the convey of the medical profession.
the late nineteenth century in Europe and the United States as the result of this historical forces converged, same-sex sexual orientation is considered The diagnosis of a medical element, but also be treated as a criminal and unlawful activities. However, in the early twentieth century, those in their same-sex sexual and sensitive attraction to men and women have their nice friends in urban areas the network composition and conference place (D'Emilio, 1981/1993). In a metropolis such as New York, the conference place in the twenties of this century that the generation of sexual liberation is widely known and frequented. In this century three years on behalf of the well-known social repression, with the promulgation of the law and police repression, the period of social acceptance of same-sex attraction to an end. economic pressure has forced many men lose their jobs, thus the recovery of heterosexual masculinity accented that may be intolerant of homosexuality afresh one of the causes (Chauncey, 1994).
twenties of the twentieth century, in Germany, produced a movement with sex and has a library and a megalopolis established in Berlin in 1939. the Nazis devastated the megalopolis, scalded the library. Shortly thereafter, the Government enacted laws deterring gay sex, thousands of homosexuals were imprisoned and died in concentration camps (Plant, 1986). Freud the fled Germany during the London harbor. In twenty years, he had signed a application in support of the gay movement, and wrote a well-known, although homosexuality is no benefit to society, but it also mental sense, not a pathological phenomenon.
World War II with the men and women to men and women together in unprecedented numbers. In the United States, the outcome is the so-called homosexuals in the armed forces of washing, has been After the end of the warfare proceeded, and in the fifties and the anti-gay Senator JosephMcCarthy anti-communist movement was further amplified. In this social atmosphere, AlfredKinsey and his assistant in the United States presented their technological research on sexual behavior The first report, found that men experienced a large number of same-sex sexual behavior. their subsequent study found that these experiences also happen in women. These research materials beneath severe criticism, but then gave Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York gay movement invested support. Europe has the same sex campaigns, including Amsterdam and Copenhagen gay movement. the gay weeklies, magazines, personal clubs and public locations together and started accosting the disease-oriented view of homosexual behavior.
In the sixties, the fuse of Gay Rights Movement, a modern gay people from repression to protest, turning from darkness to light.
there is not substantial gay population statistics, merely the learn alternatively sampling for the examine for reference. homosexual population share will be another along apt another estimates of the results, and based aboard the noted psychologist Sigmund Freud Austrian study, every human may have just about the same sexual orientation. So, gay share the true proportion of the population, by far there namely not real response; some heterosexual activists advocating that the ratio namely approximately an per cent apt four per penny from, but this diagram is apparently underestimated the true proportion of homosexuality. counting of In addition, in a different examine,shanghai massage, the experience of merely one gay human; 2 fully defined themselves for homosexual than those who experienced numerous homosexual acts.
According to Freud's psychological research shows that everybody in the community are bisexual Love tendency, therefore, have the same sexual tendencies share the true proportion of the population, the population may be all of society, that is one hundred percent.
But variant famous American sex specialist Alfred. Kinsey in gold Race sexuality report, the United States Thirty seven per masculine had contact with variant male to accomplish altering degrees of happiness; while in another study, the National Survey Center reported that only about one percentage 0.7 of American men calculate they are definitely gay. Many in the U.S. and Europe tend to consider that a promiscuous survey in the past have had sex with the number of experienced folk around 8 percent, and only homosexual experience about two per cent, the people.
Kinsey later, a large number of large-scale cross-cultural survey of the gay population is always displayed for fewer than Kinsey demanded, the survey covered a random sample of tens of thousands of objects . However, memorandum that the report will be different because of the concealment and the tester prejudice.
general, anti-homosexual reference data often show the ratio is one per cent gay, homosexual activists by reference the information is Nearly ten percent.
continuous spectrum of gay and heterosexual people usually, some will have some degree of homosexual affection or temporary. On the contrary, many his own personality as a gay person, or tend to have sex with same-sex sexual relations and the upkeep people, and also maintain sex with the opposite sex, or maintain long-term heterosexual relationships. These remain the same-sex sexual heterosexual practice are usually considered to be male sexual behavior homosexual to heterosexual indeed continuous spectrum of sexual orientation change to assess their sexual orientation, and self-assessment of the results of the respondents and the respondents comprehensive inquiry of the behavior study, Kinsey showed that most people by fewest in some category extent bisexual. Many people will also be attracted to bisexual, notwithstanding usually they prefer a certain gender. Kinsey and his colleagues thus believe that only a few people (five per cent to ten percent) is indeed homosexual or heterosexual. In addition, whether the definition of a bisexual sex favorite does not mate the preferences of the opposite sex more intense, the less people are completely two- homosexuality. While the new study suggests that the Kinsey study may amplify the occurrence of bisexual populations, but his concept of a continuous spectrum but was widely accepted. On the whole, and with their same sex have homosexual behavior, by itself, does not necessarily considered homosexual orientation, but only same-sex sexual behavior. not all the same sex to attract or maintain the relationship between homosexual people themselves as gay, or twice homosexual. Some frequent sex with people still believe that they are heterosexual. Therefore, the distinction between homosexual behavior, homosexual attraction and homosexual self-identification is very important, they are not necessarily the same. For example, in prison, or other gender-segregated context, may reason to the situation in heterosexual sexual behavior, however they are in the appearance environment, heterosexual. Some people busy in homosexual behavior is not based on their sexual orientation or sexual desire, such as prostitutes. They are sometimes young heterosexual men, but they make money through sex with men.
sex with animals, birds and mammals in common, such as monkeys. Some people think that the sexual behavior and male prevailed society organizations and social theory on the jail. homosexual sex, sex with monks,shenzhen escort, military camps homosexual sex, constantly considered the position of non-sexual gay or homosexual, showing a alike Mushi mode bonobo social groups tin also be found in homosexual acts; Australian male dark swans constantly form between two spouse pairs, or with the petticoat composed of 3 families swans breed. between sheep and people male homosexual similar phenomenon, Mar male sheep, a study for male homosexuality in sheep brains and they called a shows the animal with the choice of sexual partners during the time there is a difference based on their brain, not usually considered gender differences in the animals.
probably due to the formation of the retinue aspects:
First, what ingredients on resolve a person's sexual orientation, there are many polemical issues (particularly with regard to environmental and genetic appearances of the argue): whether sexual orientation is innate or earned, are immutable, or optional. Some people think that homosexuality is a knowledge behavior. But others believe that if homosexuality is a learning behavior, he should learn by having homosexual heterosexual sexual arousal, sexual provocation and sexual behavior to change gay orientation, but it is very difficult indeed. They claims must have an innate ingredients make most of the people of the opposite sex have sex. These elements are embodied homosexuals, but homosexuality is one typical example.
Second, the majority of homosexuals are born. in people traditional meditative, In a written records of any country at any time there have been no. Of way, there are some that homosexuality is acquired reversed, these and family affect, social trends associated. The early years of the family influence is quite great. For example, in the army, homosexuality circumstances sometimes occur. social trends will also affect people's sexual orientation. In the West the ancient Greek and Chinese Wei and Jin, appearance-oriented manner of a man's age, that epoch, homosexuality is also the most popular. Kashiwa famous people in ancient Greece Latour, and Socrates, are homosexuals, in their conception, men and young men and women than men, love, love to be magnificent. and be king of the Zhou in ancient China, Warring States Period of the Another example is the period Sui hold the same ride, the Song of the implementation of hand on face,in the system, until the Ming and Qing dynasties over-close relationship between same sex is still common. ancient times this was not strictly jump, it is evolving culture since ancient times, but not now meaning the disease. Moreover, not necessarily gay. Many historians and humanities scholars do not consider this shock of social factors is not as obvious on the surface is so great, but a tolerant society makes it more open to gay, and conservative society are more comrades chose to conceal.
some religious organizations I believe homosexuality is a choice, and provide transition treatment for homosexuals (conversion therapies) to change their sexual orientation, but these therapies by the medical profession and the scientific community criticized because they bring a sense of depression treatment can sometimes lead to suicide or inferiority complicated. American Society of morale has passed a resolution in 1997, said the doctors involved in such treatment would be considered unethical.
usually due to the armed forces to implement more stringent than the social system of gender segregation Therefore, since the ancient time, there are many documented military gay literature, and that the phenomenon of homosexuality within the armed forces is more common than social. the official attitude towards this behavior varies according to country, but it reflects their cultural point of view towards homosexuality. Ancient Greece and the former Japanese military modernization, the traditional patronize for this form of intimacy between men. In ancient Greece there are also special gay army men formed by the common love of the ancient Greek philosopher , people who love each other to get the most closely integrated, to enhance war effectiveness. modern countries, such as the UK, welcomed homosexuals in the military service, but there are like the United States armed forces to homosexuals as a menace. Boy Scout troops emulate suit, and usually reflects the situation of the military treatment of homosexuality. such as the UK for its welcoming attitude, while the United States refused to add Boy Scouts of homosexuals.
a culture of religion in the formation of attitudes towards the issue of homosexuality play an important role. the history of a negative attitude on homosexuality only Abrahamic Education (Abrahamic religions). non-Abrahamic religions generally considered homosexual population is acceptable or independent. But in the beginning of colonialism and imperialism, the scatter of years, many non-Abrahamic religions began to accept this religion hostile to the idea of ​​gay.
religious attitudes about homosexuality are also unlike. Now, the more conservative of the Abrahamic religions (Abrahamic religions) as a teaching homosexuality a sin, and Buddhism, Shinto and other religions put all forms of sex are watched as the interference of the spiritual life, but there is no emphasis on the object of sexual orientation. affected countries by the fundamentalist same-sex relationships are generally considered a variety of sexual distortion, and to penalties. In some areas, homosexual issue inhibition of sodomy. but many adopted the English common law system of the country, the Bill retains the anti-sodomy and executed homosexuals. This has been followed to the late nineteenth century.
the twentieth century, with the gay rights The rise of civil rights as chapter of pan, and academic research on sexual behavior resulting from the emergence of queer studies, production the image of homosexuality seemed in the media, and changed the level of social acceptance of homosexuality.
UK Wo Fendui report (Wolfenden report) is the legalization of homosexuality in Western countries, the turning point. Many Western civilized countries are now on homosexuality or homosexual acts were legalized. a number of European countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany have been allowed to change the statute or same-sex wedding or lawful admission of long-term gay relationship. a digit of countries permit gay couples adopt babies. and openly admit that homosexual, bisexual or homosexual sex in the past has been the number of politicians also on the mushroom. This includes subsidiary of the former British Defense Secretary John Major (John Major), Portillo (Michael Portillo). openly gay politicians in major dimension. Norris is the Irish Senate, and the current and former Irish President Mary. Maia Rees (Mary McAleese ) and Mary. Robinson, the Irish gay law reform movement (Campaign for Homoexual Law Reform), the builder of this union on the legalization of homosexuality in Ireland played one major character in the process.
on legislation and legalization of same-sex sexual behavior and, and same-sex marriage and no sex is gay civil alliance detailed the main objectives of power activists to protect gay couples and families.
recent annuals, some districts have relaxed or eliminated legal discrimination opposition homosexuals, including the sodomy law and legion regulations banning gay.
1951, Bulgaria legalized homosexual acts between adults, Hungary and Czechoslovakia in 1961 passed. in England and Wales, Nineteen sixty seven of the twenty consenting adults over the age of the legalization of homosexual acts, Scotland in 1980 follow-up, Northern Ireland in the 1982 follow-up. age of agree in 1994 from two down the age of 11 to eighteen years of age, and in 2000 in Great Britain and Northern Ireland down to the age of sixteen seventeen years age, so that same-sex sexual age of consent age of consent sexual intercourse with the opposite sex the same.
In the U.S., the trbring ... to an end the June 26, 2003 reached a pinnacle while the U.S. Supreme Court in Lawrence vs. Texas ruling that the United States Constitution states the two adults in private , non-commercial activities (including same-sex sexual activity) allow for the crime is unconstitutional. and the abolition of the country's sodomy laws.
in the PRC, the provisions of homosexuality as a crime, but in 1996 there had been before the nefarious law in accordance with The new murderer law by rogue elements of the crime to give a more explicit explanation, which does not include homosexual sex, homosexuality in the People's Republic of root that has been completely decriminalized. But because most Chinese people are homosexual behavior still holds repellent viewpoint, and there is no law expressly declared to defend the legitimate rights of homosexuals, so homosexuality in society is still subject to a certain degree of discrimination and suppression, but the general public (particularly the younger generation) the viewpoint of the general trend towards homosexuality is more tolerant.
However, the trend of these countries are not all countries in the world the same, in some countries, homosexuality is still considered a crime. At present, more does not accept homosexuality and chief punishment and imprisonment nation, widely dispensed in the Muslim areas of Africa, West Asia and South Asia and additional regions, including imprisonment, including in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Singapore, Uganda, French Guiana, and the necrosis penalty more caustic, including in Afghanistan, Iran , Pakistan, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, in these countries will still be sentenced to capital punishment, and the most extreme sample.
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>>> >?, and stopped>> stop the ball to their back feet 1000 mm, the Brazilian Ball
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>> stop the ball into its own foot guard decimeter 1000, the German ball
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>> player
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> 3,,, shoot>> can or appearance shot to wreck the 300,000 m players, a German player?
> can probably mutual in the door through the exquisite 333 meters of the player to play Buddhism succeeded, the Portuguese players
>> Perhaps in a penalty hit for the edge flag players upset , is the ball
>>>>?,, with>> you can probably put the ball into the bottom line from the side the other half of the players, the Dutch players
>> can be Perhaps the base line of the ball to the other side from the bottom of the player, the Brazilian Ball
>>>> you can probably put the ball players from the side at the foot of steals, and taken to the side where the goal is that the Chinese players?
> can probably put the ball the same with favor Henry, is the Great
>> 5,,,
>>>> as the players applause the referee may, European players?
> can perhaps decide swearing players, players in South America
>> could probably spit on the referee and the players in pursuit of the Chinese players
>> 6 ,,,,, foot single?
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> could probably run as hasty as the player with the referee is the Maldives players
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>> India: China and India is the world's two most tooth on the country, but also the fastest growing economies in the world two new effort, we hope to see confirmed in football can perhaps better than we penniless in China. While our contest soon after by the Chinese soccer team, But we held a careful analysis of the control, we are convinced that chose China as a antagonistic football, yeah babies
>> else, some other representatives of state talked about their own views. Han JPPPPP the Football Association representatives performance, there is no point in a group with China was very sorry, what this manner that the most insurance? 6 points, but appropriate to itself has a strong atmosphere force, did not must spend 555 billion dollars in money. They do not think that even with China team the same team, also will be well qualify
>> failed bid for Laos, Bangladesh, Cambodia and other countries is the performance of funds on behalf of football's raging dissatisfaction, they thought they should not use this means of bidding auction to the resolution back to the Chinese team is, if they can pay the money and the Chinese team in the group chat chambers online ,>>>> U.S.? / strong>>, resolved also from the group stage round. I heard namely they ambition mention to FIFA to complain defendants jointly and disclose the AFC World Cup qualifying group behind the scenes. To this end, the AFC end of the Agreement with the country we see completed in private, from 155.5 billion U.S. dollars in the bid, will get 30%% % country stadium sponsor these basic way to set equipment sway
>>>> atrophy excellent Olympic Games set a new record?
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>> This is of no to the sometime without Xiren's goal, 4 years afterward, Dong with their grandchildren to see the Olympics football competition is likewise arrogant to say: Grandpa's goal in the Olympics as yet no one break
>> disc two: the initial go into the Olympic Games the Chinese foot
>>>> Tan Sung is disturbing to see one foot, the Chinese work, narrate his best in promoting China's efforts to write on the path the earth heavy sum?
> recorded three: two red cards in the history of the Chinese Olympic football birth
>> read Song Tan, Zheng to defend their movements with the dignity of Chinese football, but also the whole world told me the Board is to conquer your weakness. The records have peruse is as soon as likely to break via
>> recorded four: Birth of the
>>>>? materials: salt pig 2222, the digit of tofu (better) 1333 feet spit? 3.3 billion>> prepared by: inflame 166
> >> dish vision of infinity, it will exceed several important cuisines of China, the Chinese catering manufacture brought to the abyss
>> recorded five: the initial issuance of the Olympics and vindicate the homeland and the dignity of the fans?
>>> Chinese soccer team, the flag of the chest do not let people stop to see a good absolutely. so as not to cause social Ling little winter is already too hard and uncle were police officers, and ask that you let them?
>>> records VI: the audience in the history of the Olympic soccer the fastest exit?
>>> not stop the contest, viewers have been going wrong soon after the. left many fans and not with the diplomatic key back to the home crowd does not go the. how nice the audience, ah, they bear to continue to be bullied you, acute apart. Wulihe record how many brilliance and imagination, this daytime was that you consumed, fraught with Shenyang over the scent you smell, the atmosphere Number of sewage ambitions to reach the annals minimum
>> Olympic Men's Basketball as the five?
>>>?.... most manifest is the success of two Chinese men's basketball tournament before the two War Liang Bai, the Chinese Olympic team? 111111 negate. and lacking the Olympic team lost the race, losing not? 222, the Chinese team lost to the United States? 1111?
>>> 2 ... M baskets and Spain in the competition? 111 minutes to lose the ball out. Olympic and non-stop to keep the race in Belgium? 777 minutes before a wash page, and the New Zealand team is to keep? over 0000 minutes. This is a qualitative inconsistency among the full
>>?.... Olympic focus Zheng? 4444 minutes fined Bureau, the focus of China's Yao Ming in basketball end of more period when it is mandated?>>> beauteous peppery Dance, as the>> affected absent from than Olympic. So of lesson, are losing, the IOC evidently both more lightly?
>>>?.... Olympic being? 222 the case of small I only lost the personal 222 balls, playing varsity basketball course, and Spain to overtime, but the end of still lose? 0000 points. But if, in the men's basketball competition? 222 small for my personal, it is? 333 555 against Spain, to determine is a pathetic?
>>>?.... Chinese Basketball and Spain before the race, the Spanish team was? 1111 points, before falling about 2,000 points. However, the Chinese Basketball accidental big score in the first two? video chat? / muscular >>>>, and 444 and Spain contest draw, to play a very conspicuous. But from medicinal point of outlook, such as the promise to play a hapless people watching in the center easily in people stuck Daxitaibei. Olympic team play is permanently secured, lasting strong cease in the Team New Zealand will not give the team a surprise. such as Xu's team, held in prefer of the fans are very green,

stays in area above the sick and dirty environment

Poultry Disease Control to cling to the improve and absolute the poultry epidemic prevention system, to develop and implement measures to fight the disease and the purification and the implementation of the program.
1, enhance the beast epidemic obstruction system and improve animal epidemic hindrance system
laws and regulations, adjust and improve the > the establishment of the State Veterinary Council, the establishment of a citizen system of lawful veterinarian, the implementation of the lawful veterinary system, the establishment of the Chief Veterinary Officer. regulate veterinary vocational practitioner action, veterinary work to solve the cardinal problems to address doings of the Government veterinary services and veterinary mart behavior refutation,beijing massage, alteration from the cattle breeding and processing industry shackle, propagation ministry of multinational trade was split, shredded management, to improve animal disease prevention and emergency answer capacity, enhance the class of service for the aquaculture manufacture, and promote uniform implementation of veterinary work.
3, mushroom the intensity of animal disease prevention funding
administration fiscal assist to implement plan above the establishment of important catching diseases such as avian flu funds, matters and technology reserve, the implementation of major catching diseases of the funds required as crisis plans .
4,caused a small sensation, the implementation of animal conservation project
thoughtful planning, focus on some of the control and eradication of infectious diseases of a serious hazard, solemn animal diseases not specified establishing demonstration zone.
5, to create animal epidemic prevention system of veterinary health
environmental sanitation, to reserve farm cleaning, disburse consideration to disinfection control and elimination of pathogens in the external environment; implementation of the quarantine.
6, control of poultry diseases transmission
improve poultry house sanitation, fecal contamination collection of fermentation, good feeding and management tools, feed, drinking water and health management, prevention of spread of pathogens; well disinfection insect, fly, rodent control work, the eradication of infectious diseases the media; strict treatment of die bodies; die animal carcasses in the processing,beijing massage, drying terrain ought be chosen from the residence, poultry house, water, roads, creeks, pastures far areas deep buried or flamed.
7, improved the resistance of susceptible poultry poultry
strengthen management and dwindle accentuate; using scientific feed formulation, implementation of scientific poultry, poultry additional disease resistance; to the evolution of local conditions Science immunization procedure, choose high-quality vaccines, immunization by the best way to implement immunization; insist on a regular foundation to prevent immunization to enhance immunity.
8,shanghai massage, place poultry diseases happen while the state put out the spread of
disease should be reported promptly to the outbreak of the higher authorities.
make a diagnosis without prior solitude should be suspicious poultry diseases, stays in place on the sick and polluted environment, disinfection equipment, etc., without veterinary consent not by liberty to massacre. decide the occurrence of poultry diseases, we should promptly quarantine, isolation and disinfection. According to quarantine the results to resolve the circulation of poultry suspected of creature infected poultry and poultry were secluded supposed health treatment. on sick or dead poultry should be burned or buried on waste treatment and disposal treatment methods include: focus stacking, biological fermentation or buried, or dried peppery into fertilizer. to have therapeutic worth in the treatment measures tin be taken for or by certain bacterial disease reasoned by virus infection following made some of the bacterial disease, one adjunct to narcotic therapy, supportive therapy, the use of drugs to effect the correct diagnosis, scientific medication, to assure that drug doses and treatment.
when the eruption of the state of a class of diseases or major infectious diseases , the local veterinary health personnel should be instantly reported to the local government, delimit the epidemic and the threat posed by the area, blocking infected, along to the state of the epidemic point,shenzhen escort, all the poultry among the culling of poultry and productions pollutants such as disinfection and safe disposal of implementation, the affected area at emergency threatens the area of ​​poultry vaccination to build immunity with.
9, enhance poultry epidemiological literacy
from the group, time, space, three-dimensional viewpoint of infectious diseases. punctuated combining prevention with control, principally environmental factors in the momentous role of prevention and manipulation of infectious diseases.
10, to reinforce surveillance of infectious diseases of poultry
to strengthen quarantine and some of the major infectious diseases antibody monitoring, such as avian flu, Newcastle disease, etc., so namely preventive amounts; on poultry surveillance and disease diagnosis antibody should be exact, uncomplicated, fast, another diseases have alter diagnostic usages, emphasizing the high-tech and conventional diagnostic usages combination to combat infectious diseases of poultry.

Beijing Cemetery cost namely extra favor New Zealand. Tasmania Island rolling hills

There is a territory of Australia, a rare Captain Cook has nothing to do with, that is, appearance the South Pacific island of Tasmania (Tasmania). Although Tasmania in 1642 by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman (Abel Tasman) base, but the island still dominated British mores everywhere, George structure,shanghai escort, location names are mostly transplanted instantly from the United Kingdom.
Tasmania is an island south of Australia's best, and Melbourne across the sea. there is end of the earth Strait, and it separated the Australian continent.
tower near to the zone of ​​Tasmania in the amount of Hainan Island and Taiwan (6.8 million square kilometers), but fewer than 50 million residents of the island. Here is a pretty and jolly weather , wealthy, pleasing human, Taoyuan Beijing cemetery is flourishing in Australia, Western Penglai fairyland.
Tasmania is the world's one of the maximum beautiful island. She has undulating mounds, coiling pastures Changping Cemetery ,yet I 1st non-compliance with the agreement, Changping dense maiden forest and the cemetery were not anyone harm to the pearly sandy waterfront. Cemetery price Tasmania
brutal area of ​​the world's protected areas list for about 20% of the island. funeral train service you can go to learn various types of savage factories, and caves and rock composition. Or, to watch the world's largest marsupial carnivore - the Tasmanian devil Beijing Cemetery Net. island feng shui cemetery clean atmosphere, pure water and pregnant land to produce the highest quality fresh fruit, vegetables and wine.
Like entire Australians, like the victims cemetery diplomatic tourists will feel very strange, Changping cemetery where the landscape is the main mountain, Beijing Cemetery price is more favor New Zealand. Tasmania Island rolling hills, valleys, plateaus, volcanoes and soak beach, Beijing,toronto escort, reminiscent of the former cemetery Beijing cemetery in England and South Africa, Argentina, Pa Mupa prairie grasslands.
ice age created the island of Tasmania mountains and deep lakes on the central plateau. Some have made dam Xiu Lake Station. Cemetery in western Tasmania feng shui most places are not into the forest. Here are some chapters of the mountain smoke cover in some areas, The river was not went on the original river ravine cold and damp. News, whatsoever, the Ming Tombs, where hikers can watch the cemetery in the most primitive areas of the island. tomb price
Tasmania has a population of 450,000 people Since not the same for that of other Australians, the elderly community they call the mainland for British also British.
such a beautiful island, then is that only culprits who wanted only to be removed to the island, the cemetery eastern of Port Arthur from feng shui (Port Arthur), Richmond (Richmond), to the West Bank Sarah Island (Sarah Is.),beijing massage, Tree Burial is full of flagrant criminals exile, Beijing Ming Tombs Cemetery left countless stories, nearly 50 years, PORT ARTHUR became a British prison system,shanghai massage, efficacious prototype. Ming Tombs Cemetery until 1856 was only named the island of Tasmania, legitimate chaste burial to preoccupy more settlers. legitimate Cemetery funeral service PORT ARTHUR immediately the prison site into a hot tourist Tasmania .
Beijing cemetery and settlement in appending to several jails, the British cemetery in the construction of Tasmania is not many price of the elemental rain woods cemetery Beijing, Beijing, Makino lush cemetery prices, the number of 1 billion green lumber cemetery the formation of a green network, densely covering the Beijing cemetery island, local residents often proudly said namely the plenary island of Tasmania lawful cemetery is a national park.
Tasmania mild climate, yet Beijing cemetery along the lusty chilly air of Antarctica some cold. cemetery 7-8 months of winter life on the box apt 1000 meters pinnacles are covered with snow. summer day is long and until 9:30 the sun will no downhill. Beijing cemetery cemetery Tasman Romania namely merely 2,500 km from Antarctica. Beijing hottest Cemetery in February, the average temperature reaches 21 ℃.
fishing has been the main industry in Tasmania. Beijing tomb into the last century whaler Ming Tombs cemetery dedicated grab crustaceans (shrimp, lobster and crab) fishing, which the Australian commerce accounted as three-quarters of the fishing manufacture. While the regional government industrialization efforts of companies, Beijing cemetery isle of Tasmania was a net agricultural state. due to climate lukewarm and moist, Beijing cemetery price of milk industry is very developed, funeral supplies Tasmania too called

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

and you you tin not

1. people want to face, tree bark, telephone pole to the cement.

2. Although the main flowers, but also loose taint.

3. holding a knife cut wires, all the way to spark with lightning.

4. rat with a sword, the avenues to find the cat brothel full, who knows solitude.

5. grandfather is from grandchildren come over ..

7. Behind each successful Altman has a silent beaten little demon.

8. the flag down, put my going up.

9. shrewd dark road. satyr intricate.

10. people do not make me, I do not prisoners; whether we are attacked, be courteous one-third; were repeated I, I a needle; people too bombarded, dig up the roots.

11. I look behind. backward a team of dogs.

12. Do not tell me to talk about feelings, more injuries Boyd.

13. pumping, is a living craft; Zhaochou is an viewpoint to life.

14. rank even higher, merely also terrified of knives, wear re-hanging, brick Liaodao.

15. Sometimes I am optimistic, like the ass, as always thought I could be earthshaking.

16. ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

17. nectar more water also not unattended in urine.

18. When the jeans lost the strap, and understand what is dependent.

19. hold your hand, know the Zaichou, burst into tears, the child does not go I walked.

20. a long time if the two conditions, not to be when married.

21. the reality of rape in the elapse, leaving the Niezhong called memories.

22. intolerable to re no longer forbear.

23. prison does not fall, I do not study. Prison do not breakdown, I do not go home. detention calculate ass, education daring. sentenced to calculate a bird, free of When old age. shot pulled down ~

24. Tianruoyouqing days old, zealous woman died early.

25. prop your hand, the baby away. baby say not go Well, close the dogs!

26. sweethearts get married,000 tons, no Valentine's home seed.

27. I am from Yunnan Province, Beijing Zhoukou you comesintoseffect, I pulling your cilia that covered the hand, gently bite, adore, let us hike upright.

【waiting for my kid sisters must arise on the list of this in your home, you can not be your wife to do your stepmother.】 【
does not matter too late to wed me, I'll be your daughter, anyway, do you die a specter house.】 【
not kas long asyou live, I will loosen.】 【
this fellow, you like my next boyfriend】 【
aunt Hi, I'm your son's boyfriend】 【
women do not call me home, please call me Curie Mrs.】 【
envy you so young to know me.】 【
always sleep final 16 hours, woke up again.】 【
Uncle, aid me to sign a name in the mate field chant?】
【Everyone Says I hideous, I am actually nothing is obvious.】 【
what you do not happy? say to make us happy.】 【was spread
you an oil, say to you: Do not worry, there are shrewd automatic, you are supposed to? - hit his impotence, and said, ],[not into it?】 【
I like I like to slow the penetration of low-key I like to vanquish the step at tread, little by little the instigation day by day, I want you to remember my name I was sugar-coated bullets】 【
his necrosis, I remember. He was nativity, my heart to Huangran.
】 【If I were King, you will say that the post】 【
Health of the skylight dressing that you know, I did it grow and you look, you mention again also eventually be discrete busy, I did in my entire life and you look, you mention Lengnuanzizhi, I will do this winter to spend XIA Xue and you see, you say Loving the good old days, I made this painting in gold embroidery Phoenix Ukiyo-e and you. you ought anxiety too tall and cold, I will hand over the creeks and mountains, make you feel delight.
】 【If I were really good, why do not you.】 【I want to a
do not concern to grow old with you I have loved】 【
lad, has the world's most handsome in silhouette.】 【
others do not lightly say love, do not be stubborn door open to others, but also a joke to leave.】 【
whichever future life, amuse do not

soul to deep】 【Love is holding a cup of brandy I was cautious to give a loved one deliberately touched him and I against the scatter of the 【】
water obtained was something to you, laugh and him: What did you want to use me for?】 【life is not
Lin, will not be sorrowful and customs million.】
【New Century Women: got ashore the auditorium, got beneath the kitchen, write the code, check drawn exception, not killing the Trojans, had turned the walls, opened supply a good automobile, affordable houses, Doude Guo matron, played over ...】 【
rascal has to review the entire youth are youth, but also the whole life to surmise that life?】 【
If rose is very fragrant, I would like roses. It really rose Hong, Well, I like the rose wreath, but please put the upon dirty hands off.】 【Tell
Prince, his aging mom is still blazing the access, there is no turning mountains, rivers have not been, not dragon Kill, Pretty bubbles ... ... differentiate him not to dead sleep!】 【
had extraordinary, completely, appear only been around less.】 【
smile at you, something purely courtesy】 【
to me, nothing good to me】 【
distinction is that human and pig: Pig has been a pig, but sometimes is not the man】 【
I love you, you are what you say. I do not love you When you say you are.】 【
day your name will appear in my account of this show on the】
Ming easy to hide, tough to control the dingy found.】 【I can finally
says with a smile you】 【
Do you like my thing, I granted.】 【
join the celebration? sister I do not care!】
tireless】 【crash

【you say ... you like me? In fact ... I started ... in fact I told you ... Oh, right, in fact I quite like my own.】
【No material how perturbed I was confused at this time, eventually, I must live the life you want.】 【
both beat you, I told you turn out.】 【
such a long life , etc. What variety are you in the afterlife I remember early】 【
to marry me.
【】 First, I'll give you two. even now it is unreasonable, like me, general sense can do an nameless prince, Valley of the Kings in Egypt to encounter you .Tower in the Oath】 【have the ability
. you love me forever!】 【
I'm here, you will not have no home】 【
this life, you do not come, I'm not old】
【your bank is a bank, my bank is the sea?】 【
you said you may after obtain marital and do not like, okay, I am compliant to do that you do not favor.】
【make me cry, I will make you bleed.】

1. ah ~ okay, that is, when the Ching Ming Shangfen suddenly think of you,toronto escorts, why do so many people die, do not you dead anyhow?
2. melodrama with feelings? I'll make you call very rhythmic ...
3. like when you say you are what you do not like you, what you say you are?
4. and person exposure to the longer, the more I like dogs, dogs are always dogs, sometimes not human!
5. slut slut always, even now the economy emergency, and you you can not!
6. Do not you live with me the wonderful equipment too happy, do not wish me happiness, you have that qualify you?
7. Do not damage up and I said: grass, then you dump me?
8. saliva is used to Shuchao Piao, not in terms of reason with
9. should not look to see, not to say do not say, should not hear not listen, do not want to should not think that act what to
10. less tug in front of me like a follow-abusing, gracefully POSE in the loading force !
11. I am waiting for your care, such as closing the heart ...
12. We only have one Earth, so you must love the globe; the world is only one me, so you have to love me! ;
13. elated to laugh, not a moment too cheerful to laugh again! happy to melody, not happy to hard music!
14. These days did nothing besides argue. A variety of loud aeroplane. is I did not know or treat you as people saw?
15. the only way you can occupy a man remember is: to live better!
16. 旳 labels of those people, some I forgot, some I will always remember. Just for there are no words 旳 people have not said that the last ; have nobody to say ...

17. Life is: born, live ~
18. If you feel that they are livestock B, you must be silly B.
19. I am the heart is small, but not in, I was good-natured, but it did!
20. the time unconsciously, we are slow in answering ...
21. my people never hold a dislike , grudges against the speck I ordinarily overstated.
22. not at my grave and cry. dirty the way I wheel.
23. has the youngster are secondhand to reiterate of youth, but also to doubt the whole life Health
24. If you flowers, after the cattle muck are afraid to pull out!
25. I thought you were digit 1 and 3, the navel, did not think the two of you are still the digit 1 and 3 combined.
26. 45 ° looking up to others of their choice to others, 135 ° overlooking Xiuguai see you.
27.Ralph W. Sockman said: When we were small, you can test their courage; when we are the majority, you can test your tolerance.
28 . in the workplace should be like Conan did,toronto asian escort, there is a death where I go where and let someone else roll the dice.
29. Book Review said: What is superfluous? summer jacket, winter Pushan , there are so chilly I have center for your gracious post.
30. forever young, always Zhuangnen, never know what's good, never tears.
31. Many times you Love is the object of an individual preferably than the love object training.
32. you retention enough four five, and I save enough for four five, we tin go to Bureau of Civil Affairs married. < br> 33. personal feeling, on the web to shift to much needful.

34 I face my father expressed his views regarding fat: no Han's life, have a Han's ailment.
35. you come I trust you will not go, you go when you've never been .-- I do this to us the destiny and love.
36. Do you think people cow B, he may not muse you cow B, but You must feel that others SB, in his eyes you are a SB, so I consider like unrequited love cow B, SB is the sexual gratification.
37. not someone a young man, immediately you do not want it. Fortunately, the female base a big liar, lied to her life. Unfortunately, the matron found a little liar, lied to her for a when.
39. human most vulnerable place, namely loath. disinclined for a phase no splendid emotions again, could not bear a vanity, could not bear apt plaudits. We always thought the best days ambition be very, quite long, and do not quit so soon. relented and in our lack of prowess, the best days of marble away, and the.
40. I thought that I was the cliff of a flower, and then I, but a sea of ​​a remnant.
41. Now you call me because you do not know me, so after you know me, you will beat me.
42. daytime without reading, no one could see; one week to study, began to be rupture rough; do not read in January, lost IQ pigs.
43. Some people clever like the climate, changeable; some people stupid like climate forecasts, weather changes it can not be seen. ;
44 non-stop missed, easy to live up to, unknowingly stranger.
45. Stones tells us: those who really love the last all gone, those who have the final merge reunited.
46. If you do not constantly encounter setbacks, it shows you do not very innovative - Woody. Allen
47. two people together, more than changing the additional, but approved, so that it inclusive, if the light analytic about alteration, it is not life, it is combat.
48 all problems are ultimately a matter of time all the troubles are in fact inquiring for difficulty.
49. people will always do not know who told you what time inadvertently said farewell never really gone afterward.
50. a lot of things between the 【Do you like my angel's face, alternatively the devil's body?】 【I like your sense of humor.】
53. XiaoJie got off voyage, said: I'm not bad you do not. really a misconstruing.
56. like your looks, I was thinking .-- suddenly feel fuzzy, missing most of this, more light
57. in the years After the weep, the two young: a stunning a time, a agreeable years.
58. You can never comprehend, to make their interest in life, we put a little effort. ;
59. Confucius said, do not sleep at noon, afternoon crash; Mencius, Confucius said, oranges for
60.9 points to 13 kid, how to separate it fairly? - killing 4 a child.
61. If she (he) said to you: : The default Category View comments

this mode namely called The Note I Sage mentioned the reform was likewise considered a scenery. In

The the pills of the wise, even a perversion of lecture angels, but also profitable than what they said.
reminds me of this poem is such a thing: March 18, Online public consultation, some people say it is to depend on foreigners to esteem, the experts reproved the drafting of the scampering dogs of foreigners,beijing escort, and even servility to foreigners, a traitor. look whether the power of these people, it is estimated that several experts on guilt in the lynching of the .
the face of such a web Boxer, pate of the group, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor of Law constantly Clement said they were in drafting the ,toronto escort, Canada, India, and China's Hong Kong, Taiwan, the legislative experience. but often Clement also said, drawing anti-animal damage extraterritorial experience, does no mean losing the indigenous valid traditions and history of 5,000 years of civilization. Cruelty apt Animals Act because the specialists say, and this draft is namely foreigners calculate we tyranny to beasts, not merely created method of culture. If no such expressions, then these guys would not like to play with blood-like. In their outlook, foreigners do someone even the direction of development of modern culture, in the eyes of these people are evil enough. Of course, they used the computers and networks is also the invention of foreigners, above this point they do not say, or do not remember it point, IQ is restricted, it can be forgiven.
professor would often say do not fly very historical tradition, and he cites examples from the era of the late Qing and the Republic. The problem is that time already a westerly East gradually, the network Boxer who can dress caps or head of the experts, but also be appropriate. often a legal expert, Professor, history is not its mentor, I actually absence to give it, may wish to speak approximately the Emperor Wu of the forbid order or Tu Ming and Qing dynasties Prohibition strokes, within the graves of our progenitors must excavate the grave consumption of the mausoleum to ascertain the basis of their servility to foreigners can not stand to talk. I said upon, this mode is cried The Note I Sage said the reform was also considered a scenery. In truth, Confucius favorite is the Duke of Zhou, he can alteration, what variety of system? is not extra to change the more they go back? but not so to speak,and asked my dad ought disburse consideration apt every daytime with a cameapt to log the babe 's g, the fact will not be righteous to say.
over a hundred years after, professors often still not be able confidently to say to a spectacle: the stick kick the safeguard and barricade are engraved on the same font size.
you say, recognizing what can learn from others for timid? but little brains of people who kas long ascivilization itself is a common knowledge process, recognizing that nothing to be ashamed of, but joined Siyaomianzai this point in counting to their psychological satisfaction, there is no other use. This can not be established natural merits, are not embarrassed to What?

with panda panda research centre and wildlife observatory.

China's top ten nature reserves
1 page [1]
mm can not be back to its portal Everest Nature Reserve (Tibet> Shigatse)
natural Index:
people are aware of Mount Everest, the world's a peak impression here, cold, lofty altitude. In fact Here is a place where endless natural life. It is said that there are 2000 kinds of higher plants, days, elevation of whichever protected area can not be back to its entry.
mm for the last Hoh Xil Tibetan Antelope (Qinghai> Yushu)
natural Index:
in the Hoh Xil that extensive, sterile land, life The sweeping beauty and oppression are presented ahead our eyes. a group of people and a flock of sheep nearly constitute the marrow of survival for all here: the sheep live in a simple, going to resist the brutality of the natural alive surroundings given; people in the hard to go with, hard to stick to a purely ideal and a delicate balance. When the Tibetan antelope become human to steal the wealth of tools, it lost the right to select, survival, and may be deprived of freedom at any time. Kekexili highly complicated the natural surroundings, making a non-governmental organizations together to protect the Tibetan antelope yak crew disbanded; but fortunately the protection of Tibetan antelope still persist to wish that this Mongolian word for beautiful.
mystery invisible in the forest mm Shennongjia Nature Reserve (Hubei)
natural Index:
According to fable, Shen Nong (Emperor) in this Bianchang hundred herbs, folk Chubing, named after the Shennongjia . yet a magnificent scenery, the story of a large number of Shennongjia, since the legendary wild man behind the discovery, it is full of mystery. Many folk want to punt the mountains, fruitful forests of the elemental secret, may be the outcome all holds partly hid. points , the original remote areas, because of the giant pandas become a household appoint. Wolong rich in flora and fauna, the ditch relating elevation upon sea class have more than 5100 meters, not in no way the Wolong is also a famous passenger destination Siguniangshan. But no matter What is beauty, no matter what additional natural resources, filed Wolong, the premier impression is the gigantic panda. Wolong Nature Reserve in the east foot of Qionglai mountains, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the Sichuan Basin conversion zone of the mountain ravine areas, the mountains above 5,000 meters above sea level there are 101 Block, the highest tip 6250 meters above sea level Siguniangshan. Here mushroom amid overlapping, dim, original forest, secondary woods, lush bamboo arrows. There are various plants three or 4 thousand, with Sichuan ruddy fir, maple and additional precious plants of money; there a variety of 50 kinds of mammals, birds,toronto escort, 300 kinds of rare animals beneath state protection is approached 29. Wolong beast is quite appropriate for the main food of monster pandas bamboo and birch mm orange bamboo growth. Wolong Nature Reserve has been listed as the United Nations International Biosphere Reserve, with panda panda research center and wildlife observatory.
full Buddhism Fanjingshan Nature Reserve mm culture (Guizhou)
natural Index:
Fanjingshan Chinese and foreign well-known Buddhist holy sites. in this protected area, there are rare golden ape, giant salamander, a third and Quaternary of the many plant species, animal and plant resources on the same latitude, the most abundant nature reserve. Here in the estuary, Songtao and the Indian River, and is the hilly Western Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the transition area is in subtropical China center. Fanjingshan huge mountain, towering terrain, scope upon range of peaks, the highest peak 2572 meters above sea level Phoenix Mountain, Golden Summit elevation 2493 m, when the eastern tilt of the foothills of the disk is only 500 meters above sea level Xikou, elevation of 2,000 meters. the Phoenix Mountains as the center, surrounded by floor by layer and mounds dotted with cheap mountain and other landforms; majestic mountains, steep slopes and deep valleys, the ancients mention it is and Emei of the show. The most typical evergreen broad-leaved forest, natural lusty, significant inconsistencies in vertical distribution, contains the most abundant species of rare plants and has left many communities in sub-old plants.
interpretation of European natural landscape ecological map mm Kanas protected areas (Xinjiang> Altay)
natural Index:
This is our unique flora and fauna flora of southern Siberia distribution area, the growth of the Siberian flora of larch, pine, spruce, fir and other rare species and numerous of the birch forest. Here the hospitable home to Kazakhs, there are picturesque Moon Bay, there are weird Tuva Village>> This is the northern of Kanas. overlooking Cameroon Nasdaq, the northern foot of snow-covered Alps, panoramic outlook of woods and meadows of the style; into the Kanas, will feel the latent of the Eastern European countryside subtle flavor. Kanas lake height of 1374 meters, 24 kilometers northwardly to south, The mean width of 1.9 kilometers, one area of ​​45.73 square kilometers. the natural landscape protection for the 5,588 km2 total area. Kanas Lake four Xue-Feng Zhou standing up there, the green slopes Mo Lin,toronto escorts, Yan-Hua butterflies, lakes and mountains, pretty.
North Bring back the desert oasis mm Dinghushan Nature Reserve (Guangdong> Zhaoqing)
natural Index:
the regression line in the northern hemisphere, in adding to India, the Indian cape in the north and outdoor of the Dinghushan, 2 / 3 more land is desert, semi-desert or arid grassland. merely there is a complete ecosystem Dinghushan, 78% of the forest cover,favor apt shriek the wolf for barkifavorike a dog, there are uncommon specifics of the vertical plant distribution>> is the undisputed Tropic of Cancer 400 years of history which has zonal vegetation mm subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, which is Chinese and foreign scientists as Province, the total number of plants 1 / 4. which are shrieked pen lumber, Dinghu holly, Zhang and other Chinese Nantes Dinghu kind of fishing and model 40 kinds of plant origin; there has identified 900 kinds of insects, 200 kinds of animals, which is a national key protected pangolins, Small Indian Civet 15 species of rare animals.
had a true story mm Yancheng Nature Reserve (Jiangsu> Yancheng)
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said a girl, she had been there>> a group of red-crowned crane, fly gently gently. the girl's anecdote. listen apt this song, everyone wants apt understand where this story happened in the hometown mm Yancheng red-crowned cranes. There are 450,000 hectares of nature keep, there are about 400 species of manifold birds, primarily of the globe every year almost half of the savage red-crowned cranes cost the winter here. Yancheng Nature Reserve, also known as enhanced along the State Council ratified the National Nature Reserve, in the same year in November at the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Coordinating Council approved a Biosphere Reserve, China's ninth be included in the Xishuangbanna nearly 2 million square kilometers of land, it is prodigious. The beauty of well-drawn picture, a nation tin not fully enjoy the tropical atmosphere. Xishuangbanna Tropical Rain Forest Reserve is located in Jinghong in southern Yunnan Province, Mengla, Menghai three County, with a total zone of ​​2420.2 square km. It's tropical rain forest, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved woods, rare flora and fauna, and the entire woods ecosystem is priceless, is the world's merely well-preserved, massive area of ​​tropical forest, servant and diplomatic consideration. staggered delivery of protected areas assorted types of forests. a wide diversity of forest factories, root development was significantly panel, lianas rich, strangling plants in common, the phenomenon of the antique flower stems are extra famous. the region has 8 vegetation types, there are 3500 kinds of higher plants, accounting as approximately higher plants 1 / 8. which are classified as state protection of rare and endangered plants, 58 category, accounting for 15% of the citizen protected plants. protected areas is the focus of the genetic database of tropical plants, is 1 of the tropical treasure in China treasures.
green summer resort mm Jigongshan Nature Reserve (Henan> Xinyang)
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people mortals Sugar Lee, Dayton surmise pence to this refreshing. National Nature Reserve, there are more than 5,000 kinds of animals and plants. Jigongshan the Yangtze River, the Huaihe River watershed of two major river systems, is located in the northern subtropical transition zone of south temperate, warm and moist climate, dense forests, the atmosphere cool, suitable for plant growth and forgery. paired with tentative forest use of the rewarding natural conditions, the northern and southern species migrate to the area, so that more luxuriant species. a southern pine district, yellow willow, elm, locust, paulownia, etc. species; medical plants is also more abundant, more than 300 species, many of them are rare herbs. wild fruit, wild flowers are more abundant, such as kiwi, wild grape, hickory, wild cherry, mountain plum, wild hawthorn, apricot, azalea and orchids. very a few wildlife species, 210 species of birds, hundreds of kinds of mammals, including rare animals Qingyang, Small Indian Civet, Syrmaticus, eagle mathematics, giant salamanders and so aboard. into the public fowl Hill, can truly feel the benefits of human nature brings.

as causativeable path

October 2005, Liaoning provincial government was held in Jinzhou, again western Liaoning Jinzhou Bay Coastal Economic Zone as the province's 12 preferential policies, so that the overall development of Jinzhou Bay in the old industrial base and a large open coastal backdrop, way to significant new opportunities.
Northeast Great Thoughts series of reports of the development of Jinzhou Bay, a fourth
the revitalization of Liaoning Jinzhou Bay as a strategic pawn
the northernmost deep-water asylum in China, has been in a relatively closed state in October .2005, Liaoning provincial administration held a made the implementation of the development of Jinzhou Bay, opening up a new fulcrum of Liaoning to build a major determination. The next day, a lecture entitled Agreement Hong Kong's integration and Panjin, Liaoning province in prefer of promoting regional economic coordination among the development, help the age industrial base of the overall revitalization. five cities in western Liaoning Jinzhou Bay should be developed via in-depth implementation of strategies to promote one group of coastal cities in western Liaoning of consensus and expand influence in western Liaoning coastal city group to form a new pattern of opening up in western Liaoning. Jinzhou, Huludao, should accelerate the construction of western Liaoning Panjin group of coastal cities, the formation of closer economic knots, promote the development of western Liaoning. Fuxin, Chaoyang should strengthen the open awareness initiative to combine the Bohai Bay development and construction, speed up the export-oriented economic system.

emancipating the mind and the overall development of western Liaoning Jinzhou Bay Coastal although, notwithstanding there are group of coastal cities, but not to good use of national coastal policy. the result that Liaoxi Corridor into an into two and one percentage. In the paucity of the concept of coastal cities and musing, leading to the planning and construction in five cities in western Liaoning, economic distribution, a general lack of cultural awareness synonymous.
fact, connecting Beijing, Tianjin is located in western Liaoning and the northeast strangle, the Bohai Sea is an important part of the economic zone, has manifest geographical advantages and development potential. in the region by rail, highways, ports, airports, pipelines and other modern three-dimensional transport facilities, greatly reducing the distance between the five cities, closer economic ties between the cities for the Jinzhou Bay into the national economy and the global economy, to achieve leapfrog development has laid a solid foundation Jinzhou Bay for the integration and development, integration has created favorable conditions. Jinzhou, Huludao, three coastal cities of Panjin and Xingcheng, Linghai two county-level cities, forming a adore for the sea's .
the overall revitalization of Liaoning Province in western Liaoning difficulties, the focus in the western Liaoning Province, also in the new economic growth point in western Liaoning. This has been a general consensus of people in Liaoning. Liaoning provincial government's and breakthrough in the revitalization of western Liaoning. implementation of the Jinzhou Bay development strategy is to uphold the overall planning, resource integration, infrastructure sharing, cooperation and win-win and improve the overall competitiveness of western Liaoning Province, to achieve the rise in western Liaoning.
We believe that the strategic significance of the development of Jinzhou Bay that is,toronto escorts, coastal resources, coastal areas is the advantage. The proposal of the concept, the concept is a revolutionary breakthrough in the traditional western Liaoning Province, is a statute of regional economic development in western Liaoning, strategic awareness. development of Jinzhou Bay, method that this helicopter carries too much western Liaoning awareness of inland chariot, bid farewell to the strong intricate of land and began marching to the sea. Jinzhou Bay development as a leader, to scale up the construction group of coastal cities in western Liaoning, has given new meaning to the revitalization of western Liaoning. recommended five cities in western Liaoning Province in Northeast Asia economic standing a tall degree of cooperation, regional distribution of the lofty degree of national standing, standing on the revitalization of Liaoning, northeast regional economic development as well as the altitude, standing on the Bohai Economic Rim highly integrated, the coastal open position, in the entirely open to re-examine their own vision advantages for development.
in the research process we clearly recognize that the obstacles facing the development of many of Jinzhou Bay, the biggest obstacle is the ideas behind. subject to the impact of the current system, neglected area in the development process overall amuse of Restricting , beggar thy adjoin stereotypes still exist; the traditional concept of western Liaoning Province, ignoring the coastal edge in western Liaoning, inland mountain awareness, sense of closure remains conservative; affected by the planned economy, and other formalities, but by superior support for the policy to a higher level of thinking course still exists. these backward ideas and concepts is the development of Jinzhou Bay, a stumbling block to accelerate the development of western Liaoning. Our study shows that the above-mentioned development of the regional coordination problems, most are available from the level of institutional mechanisms detect out why. could be argued that the development of Jinzhou Bay, a fundamental obstacle is encountered institutional mechanisms. in particular in: coordinating mechanism is not perfect, enterprise system, market mechanisms and government management system uncoordinated, redundant government intervention in micro-economic activities, as factors of production flow and business barriers to trans-regional development; the market mechanism is not perfect,hear apt the pastoral mildly, administrative Regional Relations disabling alternatively even replace the market of Regional Relations,toronto escort, the local administrative body over the pursuance of maximizing their own interests, leading to optimal allocation of resources and economic integration is difficult implementation; cooperation mechanism is not perfect, shredded, local blockade, the lack of coordination with economic development with the mechanism.
institutional mechanisms to address these issues, implementation of the development strategy of Jinzhou Bay, we must emancipate our minds, new ideas, to accustom to the socialist market economy the new situation, and establish integrated awareness, break the barriers of administrative divisions, integration planning, integration, integration, development, and form a unified, all-round development of open pattern; establish market awareness, market allocation of resources to play a fundamental role, through the The establishment of the regional unified market, sharing resources, mutual benefit; foster awareness of coastal and open awareness to break through increase the focus of reform efforts, and innovative institutional mechanisms to promote the formation of regional mutual, complementary institutional mechanisms. To this end, we put amenable three proposals: First, to improve the market mechanism and cooperation mechanism, breaking the regional blockade, according to the region the city's comparative advantage and comparative advantage, complementary factors of production to maximize the advantages of the region as a whole; the second is the efficient integration of resources and rational allocation of resources, strengthen the interaction, do a good job of supporting industries to form a cluster efficacy; third is to balance the Fang Liyi, through division of fatigue to achieve and operational consistency, enhance the overall competitiveness.
highlighted is the need to develop and promote the Jinzhou Bay in western Liaoning coastal city group integration point to accurate the same each other. development of Jinzhou Bay in western Liaoning coastal city of broadened base area and depth of integration, strengthening the integration of the fastening, but also ensure the integration and accelerate the development process of Jinzhou Bay, the implementation of the development of specific measures. there is not overall strategy development, the integration process will be compelled for of lack of of the slow, cooperative level will also be superficial; and not to accelerate the integration process, the development will become a mere formality.
five brothers and one idea to promote the Integrated
dependent export-oriented economy in western Liaoning low, economic development is lagging behind. Jinzhou, Huludao, Panjin, Fuxin, Chaoyang five cities combined was merely 125 billion yuan of GDP, merely also keep up with a metropolis of Dalian (1950 million). Five Cities absence to comprehend the position, unity to subserve the integration of western Liaoning coastal city team. only to promote the integration of urban agglomeration tin be achieved inspire trust in the revitalization of western Liaoning own. Our study shows that the key factor in the formation of economic zones is the Industrial Structure, and only a comparable approximate of the industrial structure in mandate to have the possibility to form a unified economic zones. Meanwhile, the Industrial Structure of circumstance, only the formation of a unified economic divisions in order to discourage the industry brought approximately the vicious rivalry with the structure caused by the lose-lose, win-win location to achieve win-win. Liaoxi five cities mountains and rivers, the assembly of cultural resources, industrial structure is similar to the integration of a solitary integrated development advantage. principally the Jinzhou, Panjin Huludao and three cities have an industrial economy as the leading industry; in the industrial economy, they must petrochemical-based. in the mart economy, economic development, downplay the inherent requirements of the five cities the inevitable tension reinforced by the executive division between the economic regionalization. from the policy class to think, enhance poised regional development, economic integration has convert an inevitable trend, newly loosened national To promote balanced regional development integration of resources, reinforce coordination, and build cooperation in the rivalry, in cooperation and win-win notion. We are very pleased to penetrate that cities of Jinzhou and Huludao Planning Board in a unified planning and equity policy, complementary advantages, the rule of win-win cooperation attach to build the development of Jinzhou Bay, a joint conference system of regional cooperation among the two cities of major urban planning issues. This is a trend worthy of recognition, in the present group of coastal cities to promote the integration of western Liaoning conditions have been met, the case is mellow , proposed establishing five cities in western Liaoning Province, , complement each other, concentrating a superior advantages of variable dispersion, set a single advantage for the group advantage of the potential advantages into real advantages, arrow, wide-ranging, multi-level interaction pattern of development. It should be tensioned that the five cities from the country and western Liaoning the overall situation of the province, a mysterious understanding of the coastal city in western Liaoning group to accelerate the integration of science and the magnitude of a roomy ideological consensus, focus on practical work in planning the overall development of western Liaoning Province, in western Liaoning coastal city to ensure the smooth progress of Integration . promote the integration of western Liaoning coastal city group, five cities in western Liaoning Province should make planning, Waiyinneilian, communication resources, assured interaction, strengthen policy support, cultivate the cadre performance evaluation mechanisms, institutions make greater exertions in five aspects of innovation. In particular, should reinforce the mall as a correlate to regional cooperation, establish a clear development of fancies, overall planning and goals, to more and more building a unified regional market system.
In addition, the integration of economic development is the basis of coastal cities to speed up the most fundamental of Integration provided that the five cities in western Liaoning Province to accelerate its development. not the individual's economic development, integration is difficult to complete. only in the cities reach a certain level of economic development while the unity of the joint can become a reality. Based on this, we propose five City to further emancipate the mind, a sense of urgency into the development policy into action, to accelerate their development in the build integration on the foundation of the concept of integrated development in the conditions already have started the field of collaboration.
accelerate coastal western Liaoning Integration of the city is to promote the coordinated development of regional specific embodiment of the overall revitalization of old industrial base of important initiatives. We eminent in the research process, not long antecedent, the provincial government formally issued a expanding opening up a digit of policy views. concern is that the cornered over to the province's value-added tariff, business tax, enterprise earnings tax, private income tax and attribute taxes, the provincial financial ministry will provide 100% of the incremental return from the The gold content is cozy to see the full policy, Liaoning implementation of the complementarity, and promote the full flow of production factors within the region to promote the integration of western Liaoning coastal city group.
was no without concern that the group of coastal cities to promote integration of western Liaoning, is easier said than done. In our view, complicated to difficult in the administrative barriers, the abacus. maximize their own interests in the face of total economic output in various cities regard the increase at the outset the increase of fiscal revenue. Therefore, to promote economic cooperation is inevitable in hardly ever brilliant, this is an indisputable truth. In addition, to promote the integration of western Liaoning Province and the need to establish institutional mechanisms of science, and this process is long. In this regard, western Liaoning five municipalities must have a clear understanding, tread by tread in the process of cooperation persevere, work slow and steady ideas. First, it should interaction, cooperation and development, including the establishment of a market system, system of cooperation and mutual assistance mechanisms, support machinery. and then is the same piece, including planning, transport differ network, share information, industry simultaneously, the market with the body, travel the same line the environment on the true averaging of Tongzhi integration. We feel the Northeast during the most research is the development of regional economy is not paint a surround and depart it, not recede. The Government should consider building a long-term cooperation mechanism, for causativeable route, and promote the formation of regional cooperation mechanisms to eliminate the negative impact of local protectionism, economic integration system, build a nice platform for a single conquer from the competition to win-win paradigm shift.
large coastal open port speed drive
the development of regional economy in western Liaoning, the key lies in opening up coastal areas to play the leading role, of special note, the basic role of Jinzhou Bay port. to all kinds of good port of factors of production by home and overseas gathered to promote the coastal economy and the rapid development of port industry. For Jinzhou Bay development, port construction is the kernel content, the first answer is to build portfolio of Jinzhou Bay, Hong Kong, to create a strategic platform for the development of Jinzhou Bay. We memorandum that the subsistence of Jinzhou Port of Jinzhou Bay, Hong Kong Huludao port and three ports in Panjin Port of Jinzhou Bay, establishing levels of joint treatment body, the development of Jinzhou Bay Port resource planning and development planning, scientific elucidation of the port function, the reasonable allocation of port resources, improve communication network in Hong Kong ***, Jinzhou Bay Coastal Highway planning and construction, and actively promote the city of Jinzhou Bay group of expressway construction, build up the port railways system, ports accumulation and distribution to eliminate Panjin the pace of overall development in Hong Kong, integration, integration of development, so as soon as Yiduntaigang Jinzhou Port, Jinzhou Bay became the focal point and regional economic center.
Jinzhou as the State Council for the first coastal open cities , position conveniences. Sun Yat-sen in his architecture strategy had envisaged that the Jinzhou Bay in western Liaoning Province to build a the largest port in western Liaoning throughput, throughput of 30.03 million tons at 2005, 20 million TEU containers. In the first quarter, Jinzhou Port to achieve throughput of 7.514 million tons and receptacle throughput persisted to heave even extra, to 74,021 TEUs , an boost of 63.3%. It is reported that by far, Jinzhou Port has approached 16 fruitful berths, the main outlet base breadth of 15 tons. high-profile Jinzhou Port 25 million tons of fuel harbor project has been completed trial product for the to build fuel port in northern China, mansion the national oil reserve bases in chemical production, processing and institution of conducive conditions. Meanwhile, the development of Jinzhou Port has also led to the port of economic and social development. regional industrial bottom from scratch, from weak to strong, the formation of a new port industrial center, as a new growth industry of Jinzhou pole.
It is understood that the total output of merchandise Jinzhou Port of Jinzhou City, only accounted for 10%, while the share of the surrounding cities and the hinterland of more than 80%. Through this data we can see, Jinzhou Port to the hinterland of the role in boosting the economy is growing. proposed, Jinzhou Port anchorage, navigation systems, port facilities management and the implementation of five Central Fishing Port of Jinzhou City share. At the same time, accelerate the Jinzhou port, the pace of integration Huludao Hong Kong, and actively promote the cities in western Liaoning and other forms of investment in port construction shares. We understand to Jinzhou Jinzhou Port is planning to the core, enhance the Jinzhou city as a regional center service radiation function. in accordance with the plan of Jinzhou, berths 14. Bohai important container into the basic port and oil, minerals, grain and other majority cargo distribution centers; accelerate the development of logistics parks, and built one of the province's three major logistics base; stronger, give priority to high-tech enterprises and modern logistics as the main port economy, as well as driving Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay, a major export-oriented growth poles of economic development. By 2015, the port throughput of tons, surpassed 1.8 million TEU containers, the Jinzhou port into a developed the shipping market, many domestic paths, hub of alien trade port.
We believe that in the groups and the general hinterland economic development, improve the capability of the port distribution, speed up construction of port infrastructure. In particular, the concept of port resources to establish a commerce, work to market delivery of resources, multi-channel financing, construction commerce in Hong Kong more than the road, rapidly expand port scale and improve the port functions. depending on the port to develop port economy, production the city as well as driving the development of export-oriented economy in western Liaoning important growth. Our study shows that the coastal city in western Liaoning Jinzhou To the Process of Integration to other Municipalities good service, strategic entry point is the construction of Jinzhou port. only the construction of Jinzhou port, in order to maximize services to western Liaoning Province, Mongolia and even the wider hinterland of the East. In this sense, for the Jinzhou Jinzhou Port, it is not only a port, it is a material of the chief area of ​​sustainable development. recommended Jinzhou port infrastructure in line with the principles of proper advance of scientific amendment of the port development plan, bigger port size, and actively promote the development of the western coastline, often enhance the port function.
required to say that the fusion of western Liaoning Province in the building, when in Hong Kong should pay attention to co-ordinate the development of coastal and hinterland, construction, port industrial zone. Jinzhou Bay hinterland to the port for the carrier to actively develop domestic and international , the hinterland of the port to make use of advantages of the industrial structure to expand services, to the hinterland and the coastal ports of economic interaction, and gradually form integrated development of the situation. In counting, the development of equipment manufacturing, metallurgy, petrochemical and other massive industry and port development in Jinzhou Bay Organic combine positive push closer to the beach, set to assist build five cities of Jinzhou Bay Harbor Industrial zone, to develop advanced manufacturing and export processing industries, the formation of the regional economy of scale in western Liaoning industrial clusters.
the first to destroy the lead to do Jinzhou sheep
regional economic development needs to have a central city, the city in total, location, industry, services, personnel, infrastructure and other aspects of an advantage, especially ports and airports have on the nigh cities with a strong radiation function and leading role. from the global perspective of seeing, Jinzhou Petrochemical industry base, port construction beginning to take shape, its own history and cultural heritage have certain advantages, but also five cities in western Liaoning information, resources, transmission, communication and exchange of technology, strategic entry point to . either geographically and resource employers, or the economic base and their own strength, in five cities in western Liaoning Jinzhou highlight the advantages, have become the central city of Jinzhou Bay and Jinzhou Bay city group center. In other words, western Liaoning Province in the naught other than the non-Jinzhou.
from the spatial location of view, is located in Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay Regional Center, and other cities around the formation of a was appointed as center, pedagogy, technology, health resources, also ranks first in western Liaoning. by Tong Chi Wushu Ji's words, Jinzhou efforts to achieve the first breakthrough in building a coastal city in western Liaoning group of regional central cities, is based on a comprehensive grab of the situation in Jinzhou City, the intellectual orientation , is to enhance the overall competitiveness of the regional reality of the needs of the rise of western Liaoning Province is to achieve the scientific path.
in accordance with the Liaoning provincial government's the disability. we have acquired, the current value of less than 400 Jinzhou GDP billion, and domestic central city GDP to reach 1,000 billion standard there is a massive gap. In addition, port construction, the inconsistency between Jinzhou and Dalian are also large. For this cause, beyond implementation of the industry set up city of Jinzhou is to accustomed, affecting the three strategic opening. At present, the city has initially established the oil industry, new materials, agricultural product processing industry as the support of three advantages to electronic information products, auto parts two emerging industries as the governor of the industrial system. Over the elapse 5 years, Jinzhou from 7.27 billion yuan of industrial added merit increased to 15.7 billion yuan, the industrial development of the city's economy has gradually become the spine of power. Also, function and improve urban centers, has been formed network of sea and ventilation transport interchange.
Jinzhou as an important city in western Liaoning, should create a regional economic navel and center of the city, promote integrated development of western Liaoning coastal city group, for the rise of western Liaoning Province, Liaoning and even the entire revitalization of the province, is of great strategic significance. We believe that the first breakthrough in Jinzhou, should rely on the port and more and more the city's development. On the 1 hand, and Dalian Jinzhou Port to international shipping center of Northeast Asia dislocation development, making inter-district, interval transit center . On the other hand, services and manufacturing to complement each other. Services to melodrama a leadership role in the integration. In addition, five cities in western Liaoning Jinzhou should work together to build a central city, to further expand its affect, to play its leading role. As center of Jinzhou, will have to accelerate its construction, and resolutely implement behind and gradually adult central city, sub-developed satellite cities and underdeveloped areas of the echelon of the development.
we have formed a consensus that the first breakthrough in Jinzhou to form a series of favorable connection effects: leaps and bounds in western Liaoning chose as a breakthrough development in Jinzhou Bay; Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay development alternatives lead in the development as a breakthrough; Jinzhou Jinzhou Port as a strategic development adoptions breakthrough and the starting point. information available from our outlook, if you want to achieve leapfrog development in Jinzhou port is the most beneficial strategic resources, is rapidly expanding opening Jinzhou thaw into the universal economy, the most favorable conditions, is to enhance the overall strength of the city's economy and build the core of the regional central cities, is to enhance the comprehensive service functions of Jinzhou an important basis. Jinzhou continue in-depth implementation of the proposed industrial up the city, to habit, open affects three major strategies, in accordance with the construction, integration, development, and create a strategic platform for the development of Jinzhou Bay, the maritime economy and land to achieve economic co-ordination and linkage development.
Jinzhou Bay in the evolution of strategies apt achieve the first discovery, Jinzhou Gongyelishi must achieve the first breakthrough as a the first strategy. Industrial Jinzhou is to achieve the first breakthrough in the manufacture advocate, the Port of Jinzhou namely to achieve the first breakthrough in the evolution platform, open the first breakthrough in Jinzhou is refreshed intrinsic motivation. We propose to big petrochemicals, fashionable substances, agricultural productions processing 3 dominant industries, to amplify automotive components and electronic information productions to build 2 new industries, transform and upgrade mechanism and equipment manufacturing, electricity, medication, textile and additional traditional industries, so as Jinzhou Jinzhou Bay industrial urban centers. We believe that the evolution of Jinzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone of Jinzhou Bay, a strategic converge. After annuals of construction and development, Jinzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone has taken shape of agricultural products, petroleum chemical manufacture, car parts fabrication, bio- new creating substances industry, pharmaceutical industry and additional new industry architecture. Jinzhou Bay in the background of the development, should make full use of state-level development zones related policies to achieve the policy and brand share, hasten the construction of citizen development areas and bonded logistics parks, backup processing Area pace, creating place without fee, zero fare space, to carry out mutual pilot port, the general planning, and distend development into Jinzhou Bay, an major regional economic growth pole and radiation sources. to invest conservation as the development of Jinzhou Bay.
development of Jinzhou Bay is a major strategy, is a big plan. integration, integration, development of Jinzhou Bay depicts the grand blueprint for the hereafter. We have reason to believe that with the development of Jinzhou Wan Kam-depth implementation of the strategy, the district Liaoning will become a new economic order of growth, as the Bohai economic circle of the most dynamic economic zone open.
(Note: This treatise was completed on May 15, 2006, June 12,